My main computer just crashed, which is just as well- it will keep me from getting stuck trying to post all the unposted stuff over the past year. Apparently my procrastination has a name - ADD, well whatever keeps me in the Dexies and Special K.
But I owe Elmer at minimum a small post about an amazing weekend, which otherwise would have passed alone in a hungover haze with a pizza balanced on my bloated pajama belly and spilled red wine, rather than in soft new Ruston Way/ Olympia sweatpants watching the Seahawks with true friends in Packwood WA.
I vowed to always be out of town for my birthday but it seemed pointless to go anywhere without a run, and I had not abeen running regularly for nearly a year (the 20+lb weight gain in 6 months reflected the realization of my worst fear of my loss of running identity that had kept me going these last 14 years). It no longer surprised me that I could get so overwhelmed as to reneg on a low key weekend with a few close friends who already know my worst.
That is the magic of Scooby. I wanted him to experience snow. Also I was feeling guilty that Elmer had not had any good opportunities to try the well-intentioned snow shoes I gave him for a gee thanks birthday gift years ago, which he kindly kept.
My Canadian twin Susan met me at the Oasis Friday. I had just gone “jogging” with VVN and talked about how all the top chefs go for the duck and I’d never had good duck, so the 3 of us went for dim sum and picked up some duck wings for the road.
Susan and I drove the 2.5 hours to Packwood, then stopped at the gas station across the street for beer and Diet Coke, which I tried to get Scooby to poop. This didnt happen right away, despite all the poop lying around for inspiration (which I later found out was probably from free roaming elk).
When Elmer and Ventoux arrived, we headed into town and had local brews and fried food with more antler decor before retiring early.

Susan and I must be twins, we love sitting around in motels doing nothing but drinking and watching cable.
People say it’s easy to get me stuff because of my obvious love of polar bears, hot sauce, soft XL clothing, alcohol, but the gifts were so amazing and unique. Even a PB cake reminiscent of our hot tub time machine days ...
Next morning, awesome motel breakfast with eggs, sausage, biscuits and gravy, waffles from one of those machines you pour/ flip, and coffee. I noticed we seemed to be getting a later start than mst, though we were there right at 7.
Then drove to White Pass, which was already fully of skiers/ boarders. We parked a bit down the road and put on our gear.
It was a warm day, we didn’t know where we were going and started out on the side of some groomed ski trails. We ran into a ski instructor who very politely commented on how cool it was that we were going snowshoeing without passes and an off-leash dog on the PCT (I.e. not on the groomed trails).
We wound up the switchbacks, and my fingers got cold trying to take more pics of Scooby who was in paradise on the snowy trail. He is arctic.
Too soon we were getting hungry and headed back down for showers, naps, and out for more food. But the post ski crowd was huge, so we ended up eating some leftovers while watching the Seahawks and Dallas in our room, while herds of elk were wandering outside our windows (and pooping). If you want Scooby to stare at you all night, just slather your fingers in Chinese duck wings.
I wonder what I did to “deserve” such friends, my unburnable bridges. Scooby doesn’t ask. He just lives in the moment.