Thursday, June 26, 2008
Journal July

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Crash, your prayers are answered
Monday, June 23, 2008
The pot used to runneth over
My love for this pot and the recent handing out of points for dogpaddling around in a pool and riding a two wheeled apparatus up and down the street led me to think of something manly for points. I think I should get at least one point, maybe two, for not trimming my beard for an entire month, maybe two. Considering I am starting with a beard this will lead to risks such as being followed around by Metro bus police and being handed cardboard to spend the night on, not to mention the ire of the wife for numerous reasons. Of course, I might also get some spare change from considerate citizens or someone asking for advice on where to find Moby Dick.
Aww yeah.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Gut Check
Here's some baby backs, they're only midway through the 3 hours they spent over the smokey coals.
Baby back money shot!
We skewered some chicken after it marinated in teriyaki all day. Sticky sesame garlic flavor through and through.
What's this? How did this photo get in here?
We also skewered some prawns and sea scallops with a lime/garlic/sake marinade.
The beef ribs were tasty too, they spent most of the day in a warm oven then just the last few minutes over the hot coals to establish a nice bark.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Peaking too early? probably.
On Friday, the day before Flying Wheels I set out to strech my legs for a mellow ride. But as I set out got a little itch and decided to really push it up Harbour Heights Pkwy. This is the stretch of road I’ve ridden far more times than any other road, even more than the one I live on. I know it well, and I know exactly what every second that elapses is worth and what is possible, and what is not. At least I thought I did. Crash and I have long argued about a particular finish time for this stretch; he maintained that with work it could be attained. I argued otherwise, didn’t think it was possible. Then I shattered it. By a lot.
Then on Saturday I rode 100 miles in 6 hours.
Then on Sunday I ate four beef ribs, four baby backs, a skewer of sea scallops, a skewer of prawns, a skewer of teriyaki chicken, some bacon, and that was just the meat.
Then today, just now, I rode the ol’ D2D1 ride (you can find the route linked back on RideToSuffering) and shattered the other benchmark that Crash and I argue about. This one I figured was possible, but would still be very difficult. I certainly didn’t expect to beat it by more than 2 mins and my old PR by 5.
My legs hurt. Worth a point?
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Ass-sauce and Chamois Butt'r
Guth, I too tried to access TeamTestosterone.com and it is just as your email states... someone was thinking of that....
Friday, June 13, 2008
july or august competition
Crash's First Day as a Vegetarian
So I survived my very first day as a vegetarian. I know many people have worries about going vegetarian when it comes to nutritional deficiencies like iron & protein. I have another concern. A very grave concern...
Last night I found myself watching the Lifetime channel instead of the NBA Finals. I also found myself using my wife's moisturizer, peel, and toner for the first time (and I don't even know what toner is)! To top it off, this morning I woke up and felt like doing yoga instead of my usual pull-up routine.
Is this normal for vegetarians? Chris from Ventoux, TheGuth, and First Class, is this why you "guys" are excelling at June Bloom?
I will finish with a haiku (already posted at Spiz's http://haikuvillage.com/)
you say "tomato"
and I say "salmonella"
I love vegetables
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
raising money to research how to spread the word about these great wristbands
When I signed up for LiveStrong I got some stickers, postcards, magnets and a couple of the wristbands. Just the usual kind of fundraising kit stuff that comes with something like this. Then today, Lance decided I needed FIFTY MORE WRISTBANDS. I have thirty adult, twenty youth. Let me know if you want one, or have any creative ideas for what to do with all these...
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I am Specialized On The Blow.
I cherish the little personalized congratulatory message on my desk from TOURnadoTom. I'm glad he's noticed the hard work I've put in and can climb the local hills like he only wishes he could. Oh wait, he's got white shit on his nose. Time to rethink rooting for everyone's favorite Belge.
'Course, if he can continue to win stage races like he has been... And on such an unlikely performance enhancer as the coke is made out to be... maybe this guy is just establishing a handicap to give the other poor chaps a chance.
Nevermind, this poster stays put.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Extra Credit

Monday, June 2, 2008
Vote Please