If you want a fighting chance of doing well at MMay and certainly not twice if you want to actually complete this monthly challenge...
I started off May with my normal strategy. Complete the wine requirement in four days, and then just for kicks, the beer challenge three days later. Admittedly, last year I delayed my biking and paid dearly the last two weeks. This year, I was right on track. Or at least I thought I was...
Coming off Memorial Day weekend, life was good. Completed my first triathlon, won the Corvallis Open, and hung out with family and friends. Then came the buzzkill. Even though I ran each week, and completed a marathon, I still had 45 miles to run! So here's how I ran 42 miles in the last 44 hours:
WED 0800 7 miler // 1800 7 miler
THU 0430 7 miler // 0845 7 miler
FRI 0430 14 miler
So suck on that monthly Blog challenges! You can't faze Crash.
Wait a sec, goddamn June Bloom starts Monday!!! Gonna go eat 500 Arby's in the next 48 hrs. I'm coming for you View!