(Baby Ventoux training for the TDM)
Been a little out of commission with the new family addition lately so I thought I'd catch up a little, if quickly.
-I haven't made
Hajj yet (
my next project?), but I'm changing up the name. Chris from Ventoux is now Papa Ventoux.
-Baby Ventoux and View are doing well (though View seems a little tired).
-Sammy, the official dog of the BRS will bite your feet if you make Baby Ventoux cry. Just a warning.
-I have in my possession a jump rope. Today might be the day I break it out?
-Not every part of parenthood is great, but getting up with your daughter at 4:00 am for breakfast and watching South Korea beat up on Greece in a random world cup match, followed by coffee and a long walk with Baby and Dog is pretty cool. She had a hard time concentrating on the game though, she's just too wound up over the US England match later today.
-Lastly a point of BRS business. Theres been some disrepect going on with one of the trophies that needs to be addressed. As a charter member and one of only two people to compete in every major, I would like to propose the following amendment to our constitution: If you have had in your possession a BRS trophy which should be in someone else's possession, and this has been the case for (way) more than thirty days, you need to take off your pretty dress, put on a ratty house frock, dig through your parents garage until said trophy is found and get it shipped to its rightful owner within seven days (or at the very least drop it off with Crash). Failure to comply results in offending members being required to compete in the TDM in a pink Tutu (I'll provide that) on a bike of the steering committee's choice (I'm leaning towards
this one). Seriously, its been too long. Make with the trophy. Or ride in a dress on a kids bike. Thats my proposed rule.