"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right." (Henry Ford)
You read a lot of inspirational quotes on the backs of shirts of marathoners when you're in the back-of-the-pack, but this one sticks with me (like "I was the fat kid in gym class")...

Quadzilla, that's 4 marathons in 4 days. Used to be, the only quadzilla was the Bizz Johnson + Tahoe Triple. Then they moved the BIzz Johnson. Then some dude in Cali made his own quadzilla. Made sense that budding RDs Matt "Pooky" and wife EatDrinkRunWoman made their own quadzilla here in Seattle, i.e. Maniac central. 29 people signed up for the quad, another 15 each for the "Turkey Triple" and Ghost Double. If you're going to be crazy, be crazy all the way.
Marathon #1: Wattle Waddle, Cedar River Trail, Thursday Nov 25. Start of race: 27 degrees, 4 inches snow, was really jealous of those who remembered their Yak Traxx. Like running in sand but icy. End of race: 33 degrees, melting snow falling on your head from pine trees, frozen solid, could not uncurl fingers for 2 hours. Run "fat ass" style, i.e only 1 rest station, no porta potties, so ran with camelback pack. Severe backpack chafage. 4:46:29.
Marathon #2 (27.8 mile ultra), Crescent Forest in Gig Harbor, Nov 26. RD Bill reversed direction of course from last year, harder this year, but at least there were Huckleberry pancakes. Severe left armpit and chest chafage, stubbed left toe (?broken?) but no face-plant. Slushy mudfest, totally lost mental focus and morale, beautiful trail but even beauty can become monotonous when you're suffering. Drove down with VVN and met some nice Maniacs, it's nice, you don't have to explain your running stories to Maniacs. 6:15:58.

Marathon #3: Ghost of Seattle, Lake Washington/ Seward Park Nov 27. Late once again, though in my own neighborhood. No medal (or Wild Turkey or Advil this year), but still nice to see Maniacs on out-and-back and hotdog at end. 4:34:00.
Marathon #4: Seattle Marathon (my 4th) Nov 28. Met some more Maniacs, including 2 Hawaiians (one ran a 3:17 on day #4!). 2 British guys flew in just for the quad. And my fave Maniac Monte who puts my mileage to shame.

Saw Kadlec 2x on the out-and-back, looking strong between the 3:10 and 3:30 pace groups. Kate did the 1/2, I didn't see her though. I came in 4:25:17. probably added a few seconds doing a premature "victory dance" when I got my quadzilla medal, before the actual finish line. Nice black eye, eh? One one Maniac asked me about it, a souvenir from my fainting spell on monday which left both my kneecaps swollen and black/ blue like my hair. Met up with VVN who finished her triple with ease, and May, who won an age-group prize.

Marathon #5? I wish. Much better than going back to work..... learning a lot about preventing chafage for the 100 miler which remains on my bucket list. Next is the New Year's double prior to HTTM. Will there be a Marathon de Mukilteo next?