Monday, March 24, 2014


Last Monday night, I get a call from Attitude. During our conversation, I get an urge to drive down to Eugene for a visit. Next morning, I act on that urge, and hit I-5 South. I pass Longview where Gerald and I were just a couple days earlier for a run. Stop for gas in Woodland and text Dyno-M happy birthday.

I've been visiting Eugene for over 11 years now. This is the very first time I've stayed at Attitude's place! He took me along to his photo shoots in Corvallis and Sweet Home. He even bought me beer!!! I'm really beginning to like Attitude's new attitude.

But I doubt anything, will ever top the ultimate feeling of beating Attitude in tennis. Yup, another 3 matches in Ocean's win column. Damn that's fun.

So I'm normally used to mid-week meet-ups in Everett, Mukilteo, but mostly at the Yurt.

However, it was a nice change to enjoy a meet-up with Ventoux and Attitude in Eugene. No tv, meant no college basketball. Instead, we enjoyed our usual activities.

Tennis, eating, drinking, walking so we can get more to drink, smokings, and shooting the shit on life. I realized that's what I do when I go to Eugene. It's what I call camaraderie. I look forward to doing it some more at the upcoming Eugene Open.

So to finish my week off, I head back to Seattle. Gerald & I travel to El Paso, Tx, and then drive to White Sands Missile Range in NM. We do the Bataan Memorial Death March marathon. We road march 26.2 miles with 35 lb packs. The whole event/experience was a lot of fun. Gerald definitely has soldier spirit. I was extremely impressed with her performance. At mile 18, I remember telling her that we've done about 2 DC road marches so far, get ready to soldier through a third. She definitely did!

So in El Paso, I spot a Whataburger. Haven't seen one in about 14 years. I don't stop there, but it inspired my blog post's title. Whataweek. The only down side was I didn't sleep much at all after drinking 12 hours straight with the Eugene fellas. Unfortunately that lack of sleep continued the next 4 days. All in all, a very small price to pay for such an enjoyable week with my BRS friends.

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