I’m not one of those people that had a primary goal of ticking off the 50 states or 7 continents, though I'll admit I have a pathological need to get away. But after the Great Wall Marathon 5/2016,
6 down already, why not just finish the 7th?
I knew several people who had run the standard Antarctica
marathon which occurs in March and involves flying to Argentina, then a several
day cruise aboard a Russian freight ship through the Drake passage, and has a 3
year wait list. There was an alternative tour which flew directly from Chile
and involved camping overnight on the island, no wait list. I’d already been to
Argentina x 2, and as someone who gets sick even in stick-shift cars, the no-
boat tour was more my cup of tea!
A few things about Antarctica.
It is not a country. It is
the only continent without a native human population. It is actually defined as
any land mass or ice shelf below 60 degrees S latitude. The marathon is run on
King George Island, which is actually the largest of the Shetland Islands, >7000 miles from the South Pole, but still technically Antarctica. And
though there are more hard core runs on the main continent, most tourists run
on KGI. I’ve never felt the need to be a purist/ hero, plus the mainland run is
always the same week of Quadzilla and costs nearly $20,000. BTWthere are no
polar bears there (wrong pole), just penguins.
Back in September at the Woodinville Wine Country half
marathon I met CAZ’s friend M, a fellow marathoner and veteran of Mt.
Killimanjaro. It was a rainy day and we were huddled under a tree prerace
pretending it was offering shelter, and I heard her say she wanted to run the 7
continents. Well, what a coincidence, I was running Antarctica in Jan, and
there was a South America the same week, one could knock out 2 continents for
the price of 1. Several weeks later, I got a text from M, she was in- yeah!
The weeks before departure I was back in a dark place. The
holidays are always rough, work was killing me. I knew I should be grateful but that
only made me feel more lethargic and pathetic. The morning before I threw some
stuff in my bag and looked forward to airplane movies and international flight
meals/ wine. 4 hours to Dallas, layover, 9 hours to Santiago, another 3.5 hours
to Punta Arenas, leave home 9 AM Friday, arrive Saturday midday.
I found my suitcase had cracked on transit, but luckily
there was a North Face store in town where I got a much needed waterproof
duffel. Punta Arenas is actually a fairly large city of >100k, the capital
of the Magellanes area of Chile named for the explorer Magellan, full of
restaurants and many people speak English. It was summer in Patagonia but I
knew the winds could be killer. Walked around town and met with M that evening.
Sunday we walked around town and I had an unfortunate face-plant incident (I
blame my new progressives) while filming on my iphone.

Got to take a ferry to see the national penguin colony
The Southern Cross marathon was 4 x out-and-back on the
Punta Arenas waterfront (here is a view from our hotel room). All the Triple 7 runners but only a handful of us
White Continent runners, it was a crazy windy day with brief rain. Something I
ate did not agree with me, I spent the evening puking up everything and having
to leave the pre-race briefing half a dozen times to puke, so got no food in
after the race.
But luckily the weather gods were truly smiling and we were
able to fly out to KGI next morning at 9 AM. We had to be ready, dressed in our
gear by 3 AM. Got my hair braided by Val, another runner who was doing crazy
braids on a lot of the women in like 2 minutes.
It was windy but not that cold (mid-30s) on KGI. Colder and more snow in Seattle! We waited
for our bags to be unloaded and hiked 2.5 miles to the campsite, which was
about ½ mile from the Chinese research base.
On arrival we were told the race
was starting in 20 minutes. There was a scramble to find a bucket to pee in. We
had to pee in buckets and pour our pee into a barrel, and poop into a bag and
put the poop bag into a poop barrel. Leave no trace!
I had been warned that the course was hilly and rocky, there
were a few puddles but overall, not as rugged as one might imagine Antarctica
to be. A couple penguins but really no ice on the trail. I was waaaay
overdressed and had to unload a bunch of clothes, and poop, but you’re not
allowed to just go off the trail. Had to wait for them to assemble the poop
tent, and even then, the poop chute was not ready so a very nice race employee
disposed of my bag. I was so constipated and pushing to expel that I nearly
broke the poop chair, that would have been ugly.

We hiked to the Russian orthodox church and a tour guide found us and
drove us back in the truck just before sundown after 11 pm, SCORE!
I knew we would be sleeping in 3-person tents that
evening. No matter how much we thought
we could hold our pee all night it was just not happening.
All sticky from the race, cold, needing to pee, starving, I said to M, “if this is supposed to make us feel grateful, its working”. How absurdly privileged we were to be there but one night camping there was quite enough.
All sticky from the race, cold, needing to pee, starving, I said to M, “if this is supposed to make us feel grateful, its working”. How absurdly privileged we were to be there but one night camping there was quite enough.
where a history professor spoke about the history of native Chileans, caught amazing sunsets which changed by the minute....

Then the highlight of the trip was the tour of Torres del Paine National Park in Patagonia. Guanacos (antelopes) and Rheas (ostrich-like birds) just hanging out in the roads.
Next day I hung with 3 of the Triple 7 quest ladies at the
airport. 2 were grandmothers (one 70 yo!), the other a marine corps veteran and first
African American woman to run the 7 continents in a week.
They joked I would do it next year. It is now a triple 8 quest with the new continent, Zealandia. Who knows…
They joked I would do it next year. It is now a triple 8 quest with the new continent, Zealandia. Who knows…
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