So the boys on our RAMROD team "Hill Yes" have a group text thing, where riders can text their ride plans. One of our team members, Carl, posted,
"I'm going to do a 90ish mile ride Saturday early start. Perhaps to Tacoma and back via Vashon..."
I reply "how fast?"
"15 mph on the flats, I'm guessing"
"Let me know the place, I'll be there"
"King St and Alaska Way at 6:50"
Of course, for me it's not that early, and after DNS Skagit last week I'm feeling pretty guilty.
Here is the map. Carl rode 10 miles from Lake City Way to meet me at Alaska Way.
Northern 23rd ave may have been fixed but by where I live, it's pothole city. I realize it has been awhile since I have ridden in the city, indeed that I live in a city. Luckily few cars at this hour.
We start navigating complex turns across bits of city to connect segments of the bike paths (Duwamish, Green River, and Interurban trails). Passed familiar parts of the Green River snd Tukwila marathons, it's soooo much nicer when the miles fly by at 15-17 mph! Carl has done RAMROD before. It's not that steep but it may be wise not to dilly dally at aid stations, because it is a long day.
The plan is to ride all the way to Tacoma then catch the ferry to Vashon, and traverse the island and take another ferry to W Seattle. The idea of riding from Tacoma from Seattle is cool, I love passing through signs like "you are entering Pacific, Washington". And I've always wanted to see Algona.
We have to cross a bridge to get to Tacoma, and go across this bridge that is closed to traffic. Lots of industrial wasteland. But what a perfect weather day.
We stop for sunblock and coca cola, and I dilly dally being the Japanese tourist, so we have to "sprint" to make the 10:55 Pt Defiance Ferry. Looove just making ferries at the last minute.
Took main roads on Vashon, stopping briefly at Burton Coffee Shop for refreshment, before just making the North Vashon ferry to W Seattle.
I don't know if it's the break but I'm feeling the miles by the time I feel the Jackson St. climb. We part ways at 12th ave, I made 80+ miles/ 3400 ft elevation for the day. (Carl made the century mark, has done rides like this solo).
The Urban tour- it was really something to traverse the city.
Tomorrow- Capitol City Half with Elmer!