So my picture order is totally out of whack, but right now I'm too hungry to care. There's also an NBA playoff game on now. But pic #1 says, I love Olympia. So far, I agree.
Pic #2 has a banner for the CC Marathon, but others of us actually know it as the turn-around for the 2017 Davis Challenge road march.
Pic 3 shows me patiently waiting to eat breakfast. Gerald had awesome idea to eat poached eggs, bacon, bread, potatoes, and coffee about 5 min before the race start. I'm not joking, to me it was a brilliant idea. I mentioned to her that I ran my first marathon 20 yrs ago in Olympia. Also, that OLY is a small city, in the middle of somewhere. The Puget Sound speaks for itself.
Overall, one of my favorite runs of all time! Why? Just got to hang-out with Gerald, enjoy the best day of the year weather-wise, and grilled up some halibut. First time eating outside, and great dessert. Headed to the office for some overtime, back now, feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. Didn't know I could balance it all so well, but that's exactly what's happening these days. One last note, Pantene conditioner really works for my head with pool water, and if I am lacking anything in life, or rather if I could enhance my life at the moment, on today's run, I figured I'd like to get a fern and I probably need to buy a comb.
Got lots of combs/ brushes. What a beautiful day and fun run. 20 year anniversary of marathons, amazing.