Saturday, December 6, 2008
Vote Early and Often
-Gore Vidal
Game recognize Game buddy.
The better half is out of town today, so I loaded up the ipod, put Sammy from Ventoux in the car and I headed to Chip Ross park and Macarthur Forest for a nice long hike to contemplate the sanctity of the vote. Along the way, we discovered what must have been the Mushroom princess' secret kingdom on a shady hollow on the western slope of Dimple Hill. We were surrounded by literally thousands of mushrooms in a small condensed patch on either side of the trail. I looked for a green one with white spots in the hopes of being rewarded with an extra life, but no luck.
Anyway, my New Music November vote goes to Cow. My reasoning follows:
Raised to the power of
equals flawless victory.
Honorable mention goes to Rat. It was a close call until Randy Travis came on after Paid in Full. I'm going to blame the resultant blackout on a misfiring of synapses caused by the kind of permanent neurological damage that comes from years of good living. In other words, it was me and not you. Fortunately Tom Petty was there to talk me down. Not the first time thats happened.
Also, Hog, Good call on the James Brown. My hiking was at least 15% more soulful, if odd looking, for the duration of that song.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Donate December
Thursday, November 27, 2008
The Traditional Giving of Thanks
Its that day again. For those of us who like to cook its like Super Bowl Sunday. Only Lawrence Taylor didn't send any blow or escorts to my room last night to tire me out. I was up at 6, pies and bread are done, turkeys in the oven and all the prep work for the rest is complete. The calm before the storm. So I thought I'd take a moment to say thanks to everyone on the site for the making it Fun.
Anyway, the die is cast, the hard work is done, and the feast is pretty much going to turn out well at this point regardless of any diminished mental capacity caused by intake of alchohol, so its time to crack a cold one and relax. Happy Turkey Day Yall!
For the record, the Turkey will be served with a 2007 Domaine de la Becassonne White from the Cote Du Rhone.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
From the hip: some things shot on Sunday
Some scenic aspens, always pretty in the fog.
Cattails in a marsh, also always pretty in the fog.
What's going on here? Is there a Garage Sale where everything is Free? Or did they have a Garage Sale already and no longer need the sign, so the sign is free? If it's the later, wouldn't there be the same confusion about the sign when using it for your own garage sale? Either nobody would want to pay for anything or someone steals your sign.
The bow-legged cow.Bah! Flat tire. It was a slow leak so we found some nice sunny benches in Snohomish to warm ourselves on during repairs.
Shard of glass, will get ya every time.
Found a scale model of the Statue of Liberty in East Everett, it was kinda jacked up though. I guess you can't expect any better in a random strip mall.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The principled opposition to my voting for your individual Magnum Points
"From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs" - Karl Marx
First, let me say that I am proud that my fellow citizens are showing so much initiative and enthusiasm for getting out there and doing stuff. Its that kind of attitude that brought us colonialism and the rape of the developing world so that our coffers might be filled and our god might be ascendant. It has its roots in the Protestant work ethic, without which this country might have never had child and immigrant labor working in sweat houses or meat packing plants in order to build the foundation (on the back of African slaves - natch) of one of the most successful economic engines this world has seen. I speak of course of this great nation, The United States of America. God bless it, and no one else.
Without this kind of attitude we would no doubt be a country of lazy, cheese eating, wine swilling, union members given to regular strikes and riots, month long vacations, and universal health care. Not unlike the French.
All this being said, I have come to the opinion, if you want a gold star, go ahead and take a sticker when I'm not looking. I hereby vote "Yea" in perpetuity to all proposals for individual magnum points. It troubles me to think that such a group of individuals, born from the same stock that gave us such great achievers as Carrot Top, George The Animal Steele, and George W. Bush would allow their bliss to be dependent on my vote. It sounds like socialism to me. And Joe the plumber tells me that's a bad thing. He also tells me he is the product of a failed public school system stripped of funds by the anti-tax zealotry of Grover Norquist's down syndrome afflicted adherents and that he, like many rank and file Republicans despises intellectual curiosity. So he may not be the best judge of 19th century European Political and Social theories. He also tells me he prefers Pex pipe to copper for its longevity. So he may not be the best plumber either.
Do not think of this as a rebuke, rather think of it as an exhortation to double down on the dream that is America (L.L.C.). Did Evil Knievel ask anyone for validation to jump the Snake River Canyon (Of course not, he had a diamond encrusted skull cane/flask filled with Jim Beam to validate himself - Thus insulating him from the vagaries of the voting public). You are my brothers and sisters, and I support you in all you're endeavors (except for you Crash. I don't care how you explain it, your hobby of dressing your member up as a miniature "Dick" Cheney and exposing it to coeds on the UW campus is not a "socio-political statement" and it frightens me). Ask not whether you can beat a Dentist and his Serotta (please tell me he's at least under 40) up a hill or if you can run 25 miles less than the distance of the Bataan Death March. Ask instead, "Ventoux, how you doin with that beer, ready for another?"
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
another nominee
I mentioned this to Crash ages ago, and I think it was even an empty slot reserved for it on the Magnum Points series chart awhile back: for my last chance at an individual point this year I want to race my dentist up the Goat Loop Trail.
You see, he has this challenge, if you are the fastest climber of all his patients you get your name on his ad in the Mukilteo Beacon, and a little free dental work I think.
But he's fast, ooo, he's fast. I've already beaten his patients (there's only two other guys that have turned in times I think), but I haven't touched his own PR yet.
The route is very similar to the second stage of the TdM, except you have to start down at the ferry dock, almost another half mile of UP. And I have to do it faster than I did the stage in the TdM. My previous best time, logged the week before the TdM, and I thought it to be good enough to beat him, was 11:05. But when I stopped by the office to turn it in (it's basically at the finish line) it turns out he did it two years ago in 10:26. Holyshit!, I was at the vomit/coughing blood stage to get what I got and he did it 40 seconds faster, and I won't even tell you what bike/tire combo he had (it wasn't a Serotta). I don't have the results handy anymore, but being chased up the hill at the TdM I don't think I beat that time and that will be basically starting with an almost two minute headstart.
But I've been continuing to train, hitting the gym, and I'm going to give it another shot. Tomorrow. Wednesday. and Crash will chase me up.
Will you endorse the point if I can do it?
BRS Point Request
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Lake Roesiger
Gerald, The Rizzers, and I (if you don’t know who that is, you’ll certainly be confused by the photos) got out yesterday for a perfectly lovely ride. The ticker indicated 51 miles, and the roads were, for me at least, a near perfect blend of hills, descents, and fast flats. While I could have asked for 5-10 more degrees of Fahrenheit (despite a number of layers my toes and fingers were numb the first half of the day, welcome to most-of-the-year riding in Washington, right?) the scenery we chewed was absolutely top notch: some of the best roads I’ve ever ridden.
The first half of the ride was very familiar, a ride across Ebey Island (luckily familiar enough that foggy to near zero visiblity on the way out wasn't much of a worry) into still-sleepy Snohomish and just few miles up the Centennial Trail. Then we veered off onto little OK Mill Road, heading east up through a little valley towards Lake Roesiger. Following the contour lines we slowly climbed up through overgrown maple and oak, bright yellow this time of year, and ready to shed their foliage. In places grown enough to form a full canopy over the road I imagine it will get slick in coming weeks from the carpeting of waterlogged leaves it willsurely recieve. Currently OK Mill is my new favorite stretch of road that's still readily accessible from my front door (some of the roads west of Beaverton, OR and those north of Lynden, WA might trump it, but not by much, and they are not readily accessible from my front door). I'll be sure to come back soon, let's see if it holds up after it's reduced to bare twigs and probably even more numb fingers and toes.
A quick stop at the lake for a snack (I ate Luna Bars, hence my waxing romantic in this post) we also snapped some pics of the bikes, the lake, and a really big horse chestnut tree. We should have surreptitiously snapped photos of the chap combing the shoreline for...treasure? anything metal? I don't know?
After that, we had only the ride along Dubuque Road before we got back to familiar territory. But the road home wasn't nice enough to meander the contour lines of the terrain as it had on they out. It had to go straight-as-a-bullet east/west, despite anything the contour lines had to say. So the road, instead, went up and down and up and down. and up. and down, rinse and repeat. Ha! Nothing Gerald and I couldn't handle with ease though, after a purgatorial climb up the TdM two weeks prior (T Crash!).
Shortly thereafter, and free of blanket of fog, we could see no-longer-sleepy-but-now-trafficy Snohomish and what we missed of Ebey Island could finally see what we missed on the way. Unfortunately, our usually deserted country roads are currently at the nexus of three family farms, all with sizeable pumpkin patches. Contending with the steady parade of cars proved too much for conversational riding and we had the put our noses down and ride single file for the last 8 miles.
4 hours later and back home (not bad!), Gerald betrayed that she had a made a pot of spagetti ahead of time for a post ride glut. Jealous! I had no such foresight. Bidding Gerald and the Rizzers farewell and finding the entire household asleep for a miday nap I scarfed down a couple of bagels with peanut butter and joined them.
I'm Sorry
Dear First Class, View From the Sidelines, & Chris From Ventoux,
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I was a Sissy for 56 miles or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bike
That is the difference between 56, the mileage that we rode today and 18, the mileage that was my previous high. Wait a minute, that's not right. Carry the 1.....
38. Holy Monkeys that's even more.
Originally I was going to shoot for 28 miles. I was confident. This would be a big leap from 18. TEN MORE MILES! My usual crew of scurvy dogs were up for the challenge. Ok, so it was a walk in the park for them, but still, the gauntlet had been thrown. Hmm, I never realized that I am not sure the significance of that phrase until now. The gauntlet? Who threw it? and why? Anyways, I digress.
So I quickly realized my folly of including The Guth on the email chain when he chortled at my 28 mile challenge. (Dramatization) "HA!" he bellowed! "Let's traverse the great Mt. Fairly Flat Road instead!"(EoD) I am not sure if I was paying attention, but I quickly agreed to this idea. And that, my friends, was my second mistake.
Honor and pride are funny things. When you realize you have made a mistake, pride makes you say you aren't going to back down while honor makes you stick to what you said you would do. Today I hate honor and pride. The first few miles of the ride with The Guth, Mike Spiz, and Jeff Kerwin were a dream on my new bike! The ride was so smooth, so luxurious, and with a turkey sandwich for breakfast I was feeling good! Then came a point where my energy started to fade. Uh oh, time to break out the gummi snacks! By the time we reached Machias, I was craving that clif bar sitting in my pouch. OH GOODNESS! Peanut butter and a rest, 15 miles into our bike ride i was feeling good again. We were going to zip up to the end of the trail (Arlington?), and I was only a little saddle sore, and was pretty happy with my learning curve on my clips and shoes.
Around the 20 mile mark I started to feel my left knee twinge a little. This is where I start to become a sissy. Is sissy the right word? Nevertheless, it didn't get better and I whined a bit about it to Jeff. Like a sissy would. However, I was eating while I went and keeping my energy high, but realizing I would not be able to make my seemingly adequate supply of treats lasting the whole trip. The six of us (we picked up two at machias) coasted into the Arlington trailhead.
I DID IT! 28 miles! I did what I had planned to do! I don't think a suggestion of hitch-hiking back to The Guth's house would have elicited agreement, so I wisely kept my mouth shut. After a good break and tasty treats, we started our 28 mile trek back. And the knee got worse. And missing my clip and landing hard on my seat was painful. And the food supply was running low. And starting sentences with "And" is not a proper use of grammar.
My last jellybean was around the 36 mile mark, My last clif bar was at Machias, around 41 Miles. 15 miles to go, no more food. Did i mention i'm a pansy? Oh, that's right, i'm using sissy. So for those who don't know me, I have what scientists call a "survival instinct". Shoot, I used the wrong word. I actually meant "Survival layer of padding". Yes, I have a bit more weight than I would like, and I was pulling all that weight with every pedal. Hence, I was burning up the calories! No food for 15 miles was not a good move. I lasted until around the 51 mile mark, at which point sissy mode went full throttle.
No energy, very sore knee, and very sore uhm.... undercarriage (you know what i mean!), and about 5 miles to go. I used the highest %$#^@ gear I could to go those last 5 miles, and every stroke of the pedals felt like a stroke of the heart! Oh, damn, you don't get strokes in your heart, well, you know what I mean. As we entered Everett I tried to well up the reserve power and foolishly went through 2 yellow lights. If I stopped I wasn.t starting again. Finally we returned back to where it all began, and as we were pulling ourselves out of our gear The Guth asked me if I was ready to do it again next week. Of course, you know the answer.
No! I'm a sissy, haven't you been paying attention?
So, in conclusion, let me thank the Guth, Mike, and Jeff for EVERYTHING! Bundling me up, keeping me motivated, and not leaving me in Snohomish. I would like to give jeers though to Hammer gel, that stuff didn't do it for me.
And The Guth, I will do another 56 soon, just need to recover from this one. I know i have a TdM GC to win next year!!
|_ /\
Monday, September 29, 2008
October Off
Sunday, September 28, 2008
TdM 2008 Photos
The day started with a Category 1 climb, 92nd street hill. Sorry the photos are out of order, I tried.
My hands got cramped just braking en route to the base of the hill, not a good sign. We passed an old dude walking his dog, who saw us lining up to climb. "y'all gonna race up this thing?" I could not tell if he was laughing or shaking his head in disbelief. I can safely say, my chest never hurt so badly in my entire life; this is what a coronary must feel like.
There was much coughing and some vomiting en route to the 2nd climb, the Goat Loop Trail, a mere category 2. The photo does not do justice to how steep things actually are. I did not even make it to Chennault beach (got lost), maybe this was a subconscious decision after nearly dying on Stage 1, as this was "HC", i.e. even harder. Kudos to those who plowed through this killer and the triple of stage 5 ending in St. Andrews, which I also did not do. Spiz demonstrates the typical facial expression of a rider immediately following the St. Andrews stage. Even having ditched both HC stages, I was shivering with hypoglycemia by the 1st time trial. Thank goodness for our support crew (thanks Steena and Garrett, and Wolfgang/ Erica for taking photos), armed with water and cereal bars, as well as expert timekeeping skills. Here we pose with our bottles of Liquid Massage, in the glittery race shirts artfully crafted by Ventoux. Of course Crash was too cool to wear his to the Tin Fish for fish, chips, and Scuttlebutt ale. Too cool to wear a helmet! The rules are going to change for next year.
Steena and I saw a cyclist climbing St. Andrews who asked what was going on. The reply "Tour de Mukilteo" definitely raised some interest.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
2008 Tour de Mukilteo
On that note I'd like to introduce the October challenge. The working title is "October Off". Thats all I have so far.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Scenery Status:Lol'd
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Scenery Status:Chewed
Salmon fisherman littering Edison Creek, we passed through here in a hurry with the promise of strip malls ahead.
Promises unfulfilled, we found ourselves in Padilla Bay. Hitting it at the low point in the tide make it probably the low point in the ride too as you can see. Waves gently lapping the submerged sandbar a hundred yards offshore just angered me. Can't wait to get back to Mt. Vernon's railroads and concrete.
Skagit Valley's apple orchards are only exacerbating the situation.
Mike had an important call, with Mt.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
at least it maintains lateral rigidity?
Michaela, my oldest, says she wants to learn to ride her bike without training wheels. I've tried a number of approaches but I've found the biggest obstacle to be that she doesn't want to learn in any more than two minute increments.
She seems to have inherited both my work ethic and my attention span. She'll have to work hard to...hang on...there's something shiny here...
Nevermind, it was nothing.
Now what was I saying? oh yeah, so my latest gimmick was to employ a tactic that Susie says she observed in Switzerland. The little kids there kick around on these little contraptions called Like a Bikes. They are basically a mini bike minus the drivetrain. The idea is the kid can put their feet down at any time, but still kick themselves around and learn balance in the process, almost a by product of the scooting. Totally makes sense, right? But I'm not gonna go spend 25o large on what amounts to a kiddy gap bike. But that's okay, I just decided to mod her current bike a little to create the same effect. It wasn't too difficult, removed the bottom bracket & crank (all one piece actually) and pedals, chain and guard. Aha, instant Like a Bike.
Two problems though First, kids bikes these days are crap. I am reluctant to spend $300 on a tiny kids bike from a big maker (Trek, Specialized, etc). So instead she has a Schwinn that we paid a little less than half that for. These cheaper bikes are targeted at what kids want, rather than what they need though. Kids want bikes that have coil shocks, and crazy tube designs that resemble the badass mountain frames they see around. Michaela's bike has quite a few needless welded buttresses and fatty tubes made to look like like aluminum or carbon, but they're not. They're very thick steel. I've never weighed her bike, but it's more on par with my mountain frame than my road frame. More than 30 pounds I think. This thing is difficult for her to handle and keep upright. I don't completely blame her for getting frustrated.
But I guess that is the other problem, she (like a lot of year olds, I imagine) wants to be instantly good at stuff, and not have to work at them. Since she can't ride her bike 'right now' then she just doesn't want to do it all. At least not for more than two minutes to verify that she hasn't suddenly learned the skills without her knowing. Oh well.
I gave up on the Like a Bike theory after she's now refused to get in the saddle for about a month. Drivetrain is back on, along with the training wheels. She is back riding around our sidewalks, but not as much as if she could ride without her trainers.
I can't wait until the someday when she graduates to a big girl bike. I guess it's all about the journey and not destination, right?
Saturday, September 6, 2008
I attribute this surprising event (to me more than anyone) primarily to a few circumstantial disadvantages (or at least poor, but justifiable choices) the other contestants suffered. First, I understand everyone had a bit to drink last night. I woulda too, but I was at an elementary school event and it would have been inappropriate. Two, I went to bed early. Ventoux and View didn't arrive in town until midnight I understand, and Crash wakes like clockwork at 4am, so no one could have had much sleep.
That said, I also had some big pushes, pushes that started months ago just to get me to show up. Others that kept me going all morning.
T to Wife, for tolerating all this. BRS is a time commitment, and I appreciate that you indulge me this.
T for the push, Crash, for getting me out there. I wouldn't be competitive on my bike, I wouldn't be able to run (let alone today's ridiculous route), I wouldn't be able to swim without your prodding. T for just getting me outside.
T for the push, Ventoux, for living far away. You're always the complete wildcard. Who knows what secretive Lane County training plans you're employing. I don't know what to expect on game day and it certainly makes me try to prepare for the best.
T for the push, Suzie, without your hosting this event, I probably wouldn't be able to swim now. Well, I guess I can't swim now. But I wouldn't even shown up for my competitive wading without a mandatory Triathalon on my horizon. Plus, these hats are really sweet.
T for the push, LoganAvatar, for teaching me to swim. I tried to employ what you taught me on the 'out' portion of the swim, open water is difficult. I just ran on the bottom, neck deep, for most of the 'back,; but I did swim the last 15 yards or so too. I need to get back in the pool, I know.
And don't worry everyone, these winnings won't last nearly as long as last year's TdM winnings (I finally polished off that vodka after that Whidbey Island Ride).
Central District FAQ
Monday, September 1, 2008
Six Minute September
September's Challenge: