The day started with a Category 1 climb, 92nd street hill. Sorry the photos are out of order, I tried.
My hands got cramped just braking en route to the base of the hill, not a good sign. We passed an old dude walking his dog, who saw us lining up to climb. "y'all gonna race up this thing?" I could not tell if he was laughing or shaking his head in disbelief. I can safely say, my chest never hurt so badly in my entire life; this is what a coronary must feel like.
There was much coughing and some vomiting en route to the 2nd climb, the Goat Loop Trail, a mere category 2. The photo does not do justice to how steep things actually are. I did not even make it to Chennault beach (got lost), maybe this was a subconscious decision after nearly dying on Stage 1, as this was "HC", i.e. even harder. Kudos to those who plowed through this killer and the triple of stage 5 ending in St. Andrews, which I also did not do. Spiz demonstrates the typical facial expression of a rider immediately following the St. Andrews stage. Even having ditched both HC stages, I was shivering with hypoglycemia by the 1st time trial. Thank goodness for our support crew (thanks Steena and Garrett, and Wolfgang/ Erica for taking photos), armed with water and cereal bars, as well as expert timekeeping skills. Here we pose with our bottles of Liquid Massage, in the glittery race shirts artfully crafted by Ventoux. Of course Crash was too cool to wear his to the Tin Fish for fish, chips, and Scuttlebutt ale. Too cool to wear a helmet! The rules are going to change for next year.
Steena and I saw a cyclist climbing St. Andrews who asked what was going on. The reply "Tour de Mukilteo" definitely raised some interest.
I've got to say, this year's Tour was a great success! Tough course, tough riders, great support. What else do you need?
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to TheGuth for a great win. Great job Spiz for taking the KOM & the white jersey. Gerald, just riding this course earns you hill climbing fur on your chest. Ventoux, thanks for coming out, even though you got beat by a girl in the time trial. Can't wait for 2009!
Crash, at the Tin Fish you asked me a question, "How did this year's TdM course stack up to other rides this summer (STP, Whidbey 75, MS150, etc)?" I deferred, saying that they were just too different to compare. I can now say though, based on the burn in my thighs later Saturday afternoon, that this is the most difficult day of cycling I've ever had. It was really painful. Nice work.