I attribute this surprising event (to me more than anyone) primarily to a few circumstantial disadvantages (or at least poor, but justifiable choices) the other contestants suffered. First, I understand everyone had a bit to drink last night. I woulda too, but I was at an elementary school event and it would have been inappropriate. Two, I went to bed early. Ventoux and View didn't arrive in town until midnight I understand, and Crash wakes like clockwork at 4am, so no one could have had

That said, I also had some big pushes, pushes that started months ago just to get me to show up. Others that kept me going all morning.
T to Wife, for tolerating all this. BRS is a time commitment, and I appreciate that you indulge me this.
T for the push, Crash, for getting me out there. I wouldn't be competitive on my bike, I wouldn't be able to run (let alone today's ridiculous route), I wouldn't be able to swim without your prodding. T for just getting me outside.

T for the push, Ventoux, for living far away. You're always the complete wildcard. Who knows what secretive Lane County training plans you're employing. I don't know what to expect on game day and it certainly makes me try to prepare for the best.
T for the push, Suzie, without your hosting this event, I probably wouldn't be able to swim now. Well, I guess I can't swim now. But I wouldn't even shown up for my competitive wading without a

T for the push, LoganAvatar, for teaching me to swim. I tried to employ what you taught me on the 'out' portion of the swim, open water is difficult. I just ran on the bottom, neck deep, for most of the 'back,; but I did swim the last 15 yards or so too. I need to get back in the pool, I know.

And don't worry everyone, these winnings won't last nearly as long as last year's TdM winnings (I finally polished off that vodka after that Whidbey Island Ride).
GRATS GUTH!!!!! Now it is time to start swimming earlier during lap swim!
ReplyDeleteThat photo with my grey face and bloody shoulder perfectly captures the queasiness I felt facing the Tequila shot (which I'm fairly certain was at least 3 oz) and was by far the hardest event in the triathlon. Next time will have to taper my training for this crucial part of the event.
ReplyDeleteCrashes CDT Recap:
ReplyDeleteHmm. I wouldn't exactly say TheGuth won the Michael Phelps award in the swim portion of the CDT. I've already heard rumors from the CDT steering committee that next year's swim will be out in deep water, so I guess the champ has some work to do if he wants to defend his title...
So how did Michael win this grueling major? Pushes, sure, but the bottom line is he kicked everyone's ass in the bike ride. He also ran a magnificent run. Seriously. I kept a comfortable 18.7 mph pace, but that wasn't nearly enough. I also found out that 18.7 mph on the bike totally drained my running legs. I had nothing left except muscle cramps in my quadriceps during the run. As a runner, TheGuth totally earned the win by holding strong on the run. Those hills were brutal, and he didn't falter...
Best in swim? Gerald. Wow. I was totally impressed. I also agree that shot of tequila was demoralizing. But hey, it's the CDT, right?
As for the next Major in three weeks. I'm going on record right now. Adios. My training will be closed to the public. You will not see or hear about me until the start of the Tour de Mukilteo. I WILL be standing on the podium come 9/27. See you then...
He brought his suitcase full of courage. Simple as that.