Monday, March 31, 2008
Mood: Thirsty. I really want a creme soda. Creme Soda = Vanilla Vodka and Sprite.
Problem: Only Lemon Vodka in the house, I usually go out for the creme soda.
Solution: Lemon Vodka, Sprite, 1/8 teaspoon of vanilla extract.
Result: Yumminess and drunkeness.
Unforeseen result: Saturday's soccer game was not the best showing by yours truly. Only at fault for one of the four goals scored against us though so maybe I wasn't the only one drinking the night before. Sort of made up for it by earning a penalty kick later, however, our stiker missed it. Punk.
Spent Sunday afternoon watching soccer at the bar accompanied by some lovely pints of Boddingtons. That stuff is the perfect Sunday beer.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Another Runner's Log 3/30/08
I was planning on mirroring, W. Jones's run and do about 10 miles today. But I didn't have a route planned. I jumped on and started mapping. What I wound up with a few minutes later was a 13 mile route. A bit longer than I expected, but I just shrugged my shoulders, cranked the volume on the iPod and took off. My legs felt great, my foot didn't hurt, and I had some great tunes queued up. There was a slight drizzle, but that wasn't a real concern. Clad head to toe in synthetics I was confident about my wick-ability.
As I ran up Colby I still felt great, views of the sound were beautiful, and the new Louis XIV album rocks.
I rounded the norther tip of Marine View Drive and ran down towards the Port Gardner Marina. Short pit stop there, had to go potty.
Album ended, switched to David Byrne's Uh-Oh. A standby for me for years. Found out that none of the public drinking fountains at the marina work (grrr). Hit Everett Ave and was feeling great about hitting my approximate halfway point. Then debilitating pain in my right foot. I tried to keep running for a few meters, couldn't do it. Started walking to, well, because I had to. My foot's been bothering me off and on for several weeks now. I had it x-rayed and stuff, they said there was nothing visiblely wrong, but I think I'm gonna have to ask for a referal. Cuz something is really hurting in there.
After about 5 mins walking it was feeling a bit better so I started running again. I had myself convinced I could finish out my run. Then it starts hailing. A lot. Hail hurts. It hurts your ears, it hurts your hands, it's awful. It makes you want to quit, so I did. I ran home, drenched, freezing and ready to jump in warm shower. Oh well. Maybe next time I'll get to the Lightspeed Champion album too.
I jumped out of the shower feeling revitalized, so I started right in on cooking dinner. I usually try to cook something nice on Sunday evenings, as there is more time to work with than on weeknights. I had a big 4.5 lb chicken thawed in the fridge, but not much more in mind than that. Poking around I found a head of cauliflower that I think is the oldest produce in the fridge, so that was immediately on the chopping block. I also decided to make a skilletfull of cornbread. Mmm, it's been a long time since I've had that! I cut the skin off the breasts, and lightly seasoned the whole bird. Removed the giblets (not using them tonight), and juiced a meyer lemon and some onion, some carrot. Chopped up the lemon rinds with the onion carrots and stuffed the cavity. Trussed up the bird and nestled it in my terracotta cazuela (my favorite dish) with some a sliced fennel bulb left over from easter. Tossed it in the oven and started making corn bread batter.
Oh wait. I don't have any buttermilk! Quick trip to QFC, and 10 mins later I'm back in action!

While the skillet cools I get the first load of dishes in the washer, plus some left over from yesterday. I'm obviously going to have another full load soon enough!

After that we ate it.
Also, in admin news, you'll notice that we're now Still powered by blogger but located at our own url. You'll want to adjust your favorites and/or feeds.
"Runners Log 3/30/2008"
Evening before run Pub visited: The Irishmen, downtown Everett
Beverages consumed: 1 Ten Fidy Imperial Stout (accidentally drank the husband’s special beer he had stashed in the back of the fridge-I just liked the can), 2 Manny’s Pale Ales
Gear: same old schtuff
Miles Ran: 10 (3 more to go!)
Route: Decided to get buck wild and crazy and run the Burke Gilman Trail. Parked at Bothell Landing Park and ran 5 miles to Kenmore and back.
Temperature: my car told me it was 39 degrees. That was down right balmy compared to the 33 degrees it was earlier on in the morning.
Weather: rain, snow, rain/snow, sunshine (mother nature needs some Prozac!)
Best Song of the Run: a very fitting, “I Will Survive”, Gloria Gainer
Sites Seen: only a few runners, tons ‘o cyclists (noticed that cyclists are built long and lean-why is that?)
Issues: I definitely need to work on the “swig” portion of my x-training. Although I wasn’t hung over today, I definitely felt just a bit “crunchy” all day.
Best Part of the Run: Convincing myself that running 10 miles in the snow/rain would “grow some hair on my chest” (as Crash likes to say).
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Administrative Notes
So I've sent the AB Awareness tracking sheet off to The Guth for a Quality Check review. Again, you may be asking yourself why are we doing this? Because we'd like to achieve a better, stronger core. Right Brad? (Take it easy Chris & Jay. Yes, he has a cig in his mouth).
Friday, March 28, 2008
extra credit
I nominate you for one (1) extra point upon completion of this little task.
Since you have 50 days or so to complete it I think it's only about 60 mi per day. Piddly, really.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
attn: tour contenders
Late to the party
I am in a good mood since the softball game I was going to sub for last night was called because of rain. I wasn't looking forward to playing in 35 degree weather with a drizzle. The soccer game Thursday night is going to be nice and cold but can't be worse than the monsoon we played in last Thursday. Knock on wood.
Peace out y0.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Tee Hee Hee
Monday, March 24, 2008
grilled pork with asparagus, peppers and waxy spuds

-I love to cook, it helps me unwind at the end of the day. And I like to cook BIG. It's easier somehow to cook in quantity. And now that I've got a hoard of eaters at home, family style isn't totally unjustified either.
-And I like to eat my food.
-And I like food pictures.
-And I like food writing.
-I like other food blogs even.
Last night I had to run to REI quickly after work. They're the nearest place I know that sells various plastic webbing strap buckles. I have a Mountain Smith bike bag (fits atop a standard rack) but one of the cams that holds it down broke along with one of the prongs on the hide-a-way waist strap. Picked up those and new inner tube. $11 purchase worth an hour in the car? prolly not. But it's beautiful out, windows down on the freeway, Ray LaMontagne to keep me company, it could be worse.
When I get home I have no idea what's for dinner. See: most nights. Jess and I shop for two weeks at a time and make a loose menu of about 12 meals before we shop though, so we nearly always have something with which to to fashion a full meal. Found the thick-cut pork chops in the fridge that we bought a few days ago (and meant to have frozen by now, whoops). It was excellent news tonight though, I could grill without having to thaw anything from the deep freeze. I fashioned a quick marinade out of soy sauce, oyster sauce, a dash of veg oil, pressed garlic, salt and pepper (I think that's it, I didn't think I would be documenting this). Shoved three big chops into a bag with the oil, pressed the air out and tossed them on the counter.
Went outside and got the coals started with my chimney starter. Have y'all used one of these? They're awesome! I never want to hear anyone complain that briquettes are too time consuming to deal with ever again. There's just no excuse anymore.
Once they were lit and heating up I shot back inside, poured some wine, and cut some red waxy potatoes I found in the pantry into big chunks (eighths, I think). I tossed them with a little olive oil, more pressed garlic, rosemary, salt & pepper. I folded them into a quick foil pouch and, after spreading out the coals I put them right on top. Put the grills on top and closed up lid to let the cast iron absorb as much heat as possible.
Found some asparagus in the fridge, which Jess loves grilled. Broke off the woody ends, julienned a coupla peppers and tossed the lot with a little olive oil, dried thyme, salt & pepper.
By this time the taters are ready for a flip, which I do. Pull out the chops at this point and toss them on the grills (on a bias, of course). Easy sailing at this point. Let the chops do their thing for about 8 to 10 minutes a side (they were prolly close to two inches thick!). While that's going on I do a little cleanup on the counter, toss some of the prepware into the sink, etc. Time to flip the chops and toss on all the veggies. For those I move the coals up close to the grills for searing temperatures, move the chops off to the side, and spread them out over the whole of the hot area. Once they get a little charry, flip them with the tongs. Wash, repeat, time to platter the lot.
Pour more wine, snap a few photos, and call in the crew from the front yard to COME AND GET IT!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Runners Log 03/23/2008
Route: Decided to spice it up today by running my route backwards...35th Street out and back combined with a Golf Course out and back. Aye Caliente!
Miles Ran: 9 (still 4 more to go!)
Issues: (you know it’s not good when the issues catagory is at the top of this list!) You know that stunning day this weekend that held the promise of spring? I believe it was called "Saturday"? Yeah, that’s not the day I chose to run on. I have been fighting off a head cold and ended up resting up all day. That left Sunday to get ’er done. The tidal pools forming on my front lawn let me know that I was in for a wicked, wet run. I also hosted Easter brunch this morning at my house. 5 cups of coffe, 1 waffle, 1 strip of bacon, and some scrambled eggs added to the perfect storm brewing in my tummy. I prayed I could get this run done before a catagory 5 hurricane ripped the roof off of my digestive system.
Gear: violet colored long sleeve shirt, baggy black Nike pants, black zip up with hood, CSC baseball cap, I-pod shuffle, black gloves (I was about to head out of the door when my husband got overly concerned about the baggy black Nike pants and their ability to wick away water. He got into his closet and pulled out some water resistent, tiny, black tightey looking things. I decided to humor him and try them on. They were so tight that I started to feel like a big sausage in casing! Ugh! I told him there is no way I was going to wear those things. He started pawing at me and said, "Mmmm, you look like a ninja" (a ninja?? What ever floats your boat mister!). I made a mad dash for the door even though I was still wearing the sausage pants).
Best Song of the Run: The I-pod Shuffle set on random presented me with several really good DeVotchKa songs
Sites seen: It was LONELY out there today. There were only 2 other runners that I crossed paths with (both women-both with baseball caps on), my lonely feeling kept manifesting in the items I saw: only one mate to a pair of dark, forest green leather gloves (the glove was just sitting out in the rain on a planter box), one discarded bubble tea travel cup (I recognized the thick, fatty straw used to suck up the Tapioca balls), one miserable, wet Doritos bag laying hidden as if in an unmarked grave.
Sites not seen: that smiley old lady, baby Jesus
Pains: My right Achilles Tendon was acting up. I never feel pain in that area!! I think the sausage pants were constricting around my thighs, throwing off my stride.
Best Part of the Run: the black and tan waiting for me at the door (just my happy, little dog....not a Guinness!)
Where U@J?
Hope your weekend training run for the Eugene 1/2 went well. I'm a bit worried reading about your swimming training. Figure you'll be the first one out of the drink at the Central District Triathlon, but hoping my running skills will compensate for my doggie paddle technique. Did I mention I train in Weiss' shower / bathtub combo? With rubber duckie?
Administrative Note: Prize sponsors, please have your prizes ready at the Eugene Half Marathon, which is May 4th. We will also be posting a link that shows the current Magnum Series (MS) point standings.
I officially propose that Susie get credit for each marathon she has completed since the DC Challenge (I think 2)?, and that the Guth get a MS pt for his upcoming RSVP ride in April. Please comment your vote. (and suggestions for a SWIG event).
Eugene Open update

Rizzer, I think I have found another tennis player of our caliber (i.e. bush league beer drinker) if you are still interested in competing in the Northwest's premier tennis tournament.
I've gotten Jen to go swimming and now she is wondering what the distances are on your planned triathlon. Her 30+ lb 80's era Bridgestone touring bike would make an awesome triathlon bike. If there was a pile up ahead of her she wouldn't even have to slow down, she could plow through it on her way to victory leaving splinters of carbon fiber and wrecked body's clad in shredded lycra in her wake. I am a bit worried about the rollover risk of putting it on the car rack though.
Now I have to decide wether to use the cold grey weather as an excuse to drink beer and watch basketball instead of go for a bike ride. Cheers.
Runner's Log - 03/23/08
Seen: One smoking cyclist (a dedicated soul to the Unofficial Sport of Everertt, in the rain no less), two electrical substations, three trains
Soundtrack: M.I.A. (thanks Chris, for introducing me to that one) and then I thought it only fitting that I resurrect Nick Lowe's Jesus of Cool Album. God bless Nick Lowe.
I even arrived home before the kids awoke and discoved their bunny-delivered bounty. Happy Easter Everyone!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
50 Flats to 'za
Back-of-Packers, Lunch with Maniacs
Like the Olympia marathon, unbelievable scenery, great weather, a bunch of friendly local folks volunteering to hand out gatorade and offer encouraging words. Because a lot of the run was around the perimeter of Fort Lewis, we even had a personalized motorized escort (otherwise known as the sweep patrol, to catch the straggling back-of-packers). Afterwards we had lunch with some Maniacs. Met Maniac #1 (the Prez, who has done >200 marathons), Maniac #3 (who along with Prez is a Quadzilla, i.e. ran a practice marathon to warm up the day before the Tahoe Triple, and has done 100 mile ultras and Ironman Triathlons), and Bobbie (who insists her newly purchased boobs do not hamper her marathon performance, and might actually enhance triathlon performance by acting as emergency buoys).
Tangent- in case I have not already talked your ear off about the Marathon Maniacs, here is a brief overview:
Abbreviated "are you a Maniac" questionnaire (see
Do your thoughts switch to the next scheduled race immediately after finishing a marathon?- YES
Are you signed up for more than one race right now?- YES
Do you know specifics about many of the marathons? Dates, courses, years run, etc.?- YES
Is book marked on your computer? Do you look at the race schedule more than once a week?- YES
Do you start to feel down when you haven't run a marathon in a while?- YES
Are your closets and dressers filled with marathon t-shirts?- YES, and they are overtaking my polar bear attire.
When asked about your racing from non running people, do you find yourself talking with great passion to the point that the person that asked the question regrets ever asking?- YES
Have you run a marathon as a training run? Or just to pace a friend?- Brian can answer YES to this one
When asked by loved ones what your plans are for the weekend, you feel guilty telling them your running another marathon so you tell them "it's only a half this weekend"? - YES
Do you plan all your vacations around a marathon race?- YES, as well as business trips
Well if you answered yes to any of these questions, you just may be a Marathon Maniac!!!
The great thing about this club (now >870 members) is, there are no time criteria, it's all about covering the distance (minimum 3 marathons in 3 months).
Personally, I enjoy being a Back-of-Packer. They write stuff on the backs of their T-shirts that make you LOL. Don't get me wrong, I like a PR as much as anyone, but I find the folks who are there just to qualify for Boston a little too serious. They would never pick up a beer at mile 22, which I can tell you can be quite refreshing.
Anyhoo, being amongst crazier runners makes you feel positively normal.
Friday, March 21, 2008
"It's all in the hips", or, if I could only ski....
Actually, I spent most of my "how to ride a fancy ass carbon bike without falling off 101 for older professional posers" lesson with Erik's protege, another skinny ironman triathlete named Ryan. I want to be a biker only to learn what makes cyclists just beam when you say, "let's go for a ride". Practiced clipping out with my non-sugar foot. Learned how to make a sharp stop without pitching forward. Why one should stay on the saddle when riding over a curb. How to stabilize the bike with 1 hand so you can drink/ eat without falling. How to ride in a pack, like avoiding crossing wheels (and what that means), how to ride right next to someone and butt shoulders without freaking out. Practiced riding really slow to mimic my worst fear, losing balance while climbing a steep hill (track stands too advanced for today's lesson).
Then Erik came out and taught me how to make sharp turns. You keep your inside leg up (so as not to graze the ground) and you press down on the inside handlebar (without leaning inward or locking your arm) and the front wheel just carves the curve without effort. It made sense intellectually, but I kept sticking out my inside knee and carving wide half-circle turns. He tried, "like riding a motorcycle" (blank facial expression). Or, an expression anyone should understand, "like skiing" (even blanker facial expression). "you just carve a line but keep your center of gravity".
Same problem with swimming. After 3 lessons in which my coach tried every analogy she knew but could not get through my head how to get me not to thrash like a drowning person, she finally ended with, "it's like skiing". I had to picture what the hips do when skiiers carve moguls. If you keep your center of gravity and just shift hips from side to side, then the arms just follow, rather than trying to "crawl" with the arms which gives my swim the characteristic "drowning man" appearance.
Stuff like this comes naturally to athletes. They don't have to be told, "shift your weight from your hips", for example. That is why I'm not an athlete, not a musician, it all has to be explained to me in Levitinese. Every step spelled out literally, no abstractions or analogies. That is why running is the only sport I know, it doesn't require coordination, or even speed, just an adrenaline deficiency that drives compulsive running.
I used to wonder about people who totally sucked at music who spent all this effort trying to learn an instrument and it was just painful to be around. I will probably never play flute again for that reason. Is this how "natural" athletes look at people like me? Probably, but oh well. Marathoning has taught me how to forgive myself for sucking. It doesn't matter what else you've done today, if your own 2 feet have carried you across 5 suburbs, you have done enough. Each new race is a rebirth, like resetting the Ms. Pacman machine. Not a high score? That's ok, you can play another game, maybe the ghosts won't get you this time. Not to mention the "seeing baby Jesus" high that erases the pain of (nearly) any chafage and is more addictive than nicotine?
Will I learn not to fear biking the hills of Mukilteo? I forget, it was only 3 years ago the thought of running 6 miles nonstop was anxiety provoking. Maybe even someone with no balance who can't ski can learn to bike or swim.
Enough philosophy. Time to get off my duff (to open another Newcastle Brown, mmmm).
Thursday, March 20, 2008
"To Goo or Not To Goo?"
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
April - Abdominal Awareness Month is on!!!
Triathlon Day
Runners Log-03/16/2008
Pre-run Website Visited: (found out that my golf course run is actually 7 miles, decide to make today’s run a 9 miler)
Miles Ran: 9 (4 more to go!)
Route: Golf Course out and back with an additional 35th Street out and back
Gear: baggy black Nike pants, bright mustard colored t-shirt (the kind the Naked Mole Rat makes fun of), Black polar fleece zip up, well charged I-Pod shuffle, black gloves, blue CSC cap
Best Song of the Run: Led Zeppelin’s "Immigrant Song". This song gives me some SERIOUS girl power!
Sites Seen: one dead baby mouse on the sidewalk (am secretly sad about how small and pink it’s little hand-paws are (were)), 5 cars flying by before the 6th car stops for me in the pedestrian crossing (think I better lose the baggy pants and wear the sassy outfit referenced in blog dated 03/02/08 so the first car stops!!), try to catch a glimpse of my husband knocking his balls around with his "mistress" (his mistress is the golf couse-I swear that boy will golf in any weather!) Start to wonder what his" mistress" has that I don’t have. I too am challenging, have a view that contains hills and bush, and have more than one hole (just a really bad joke people!! warning:running warps your mind-I don’t recommend it), one sketchy "hoodied" punk (crank the Zeppelin and don’t let him sense that I am secretly about to die from the mile 3-4 hills-I act tough and get ready kick his Adidas loving ass if need be), on mile 8.5 I was about to die. I start hallucinating and think I am running towards the light and baby Jesus when I spot my husband on Hole 8. Wave "Hi" and mumble a bit (start thinking my husband must have a freaky side to him since he let’s his buddies stand around and take turns with his "mistress" too!), as I was walking up to my house, I see my beyond odd neighbor across the street arguing with his x-wife-make mental note that she is not burried under his house yet.
LBS lost: 2 (that’s a whole lot of sweat for one girl)
Loogis: 0 (found out that Orbit White Wintermint sucks up a lot of spit. I already think the Orbit commercials are pretty clever, but they could be making a lot more money if people knew how much spit their gum soaks up!)
Best part of the Run: the hot bath afterwards.
Runners Log-03/09/2008
Miles Ran: 6 (7 more to go)
Route: Golf Course out and back
Equipment: baggy black Nike outfit, I-pod shuffle that crapped out on miles 3-4, blue CSC baseball cap
Wheels: Asics Get Cumulus
Sites Seen: my pretty neighbor and her Pug (she stopped me to ask if I was going to go to Bunco on Wednesday night). I swear I saw my mom drive by in the 'mato (her red VW bug...wonder why she didn't recognize her own daughter?), that SAME "special" smiley old lady, a sign on a post advertising a "Cougar Camp" (start thinking how cool it would be if this was actually a camp for older women who hit on young guys. Wonder if C.I.T's (cougars in training) could attend the camp too?)
Issues: Was on the grumpy side this morning. Dang, that one hour loss of sleep is upseting my delicate system. Might be grumpy because I now "have" to run. Try to stay positive and think about how all this running is going to pay off on race day.
Runners Log-03/02/2008
Miles Ran: 6 (only 7 more to go!)
Route: Golf Course out and back
Best Song of the Run" "No Sleep 'til Brooklyn", Beastie Boys
Gear: That sassy black Nike outfit my mother-in-law got me for Christmas, I-pod Shuffle, faded red Eaglemont baseball cap
Wheels: Asics Gel Cumulus
Sites Seen: 1 Great Dane, 1 cute man jogging, 1 policeman driving by twice (possible bun checkout on his part?), spring flowers starting to poke through, that same old lady I see every single time I run the Golf Course route (this lady ALWAYS has a smile on her face EVERY single time I see her..start to secretly wonder if she may be just a bit "special"?)
Smells: Cigar wafting from hole 14
Loogis: 5 (that is almost one per mile!). At some point I must have been hallucinating, because I started to wonder if someone could get a DNA sample from my left behind loogis. What if someone cloned me from my DNA sample. What if I ran into myself while running, literally! Would I just say, "Oh, hey girl!" AWKWARD!!
Issues: Miles 3-4 are where all the uphills come into play. Worked on keeping my heart rate down on the uphills.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Lessons Learned

On Sunday, I went out with Guth and my new bike, The Furnace, on my first long ride from Everett to Arlington and back. The 60 mile journey started out very cold. Before I could even properly warm up, we decided to stop for a front tire changing lesson. From there, it was smooth sailing until tire change lesson #2 (the rear tire this time). Guth used his bike as the example for both lessons. The rest of the trip to Arlington was very scenic. We even caught a rare glimpse of the lake by the trail.
Our return trip was a bit humbling. Like a samurai teaching his pupils, Guth had to test my reflexes at a randomly determined time toward the end of our ride. For this test, he decided to jerk the front wheel of Chugg and do a 10-foot skid out in front of me. Unfortunately, I failed and crashed into him. Perhaps with time I shall acquire the skill to be a master bikesman.
My final lesson was only learned hours after our trip. I was wiped out on the couch with a fever of 100. The likely culprit: dehydration. So drink up kids! It’s for your health!
And that was my literal downfall.
Nearing our destination, on Homeacres Road just shy of Ebey Island, we were chatting about something. I don't remember exactly what happened, and I think I was talking with one hand off my bars, when they twisted around in front of me with a CLANG. Then I went THUD and SCRAAAPE across the chip sealed asphalt. Then The Furnace CRASHED into Chugg, then my front tire went PPOPP (still not sure what caused that).
Damage list (still not totally assessed):
The Furnace's front tire is out of true and rear brake needs a realignment, also some paint chips.
Chugg's front tire shredded, bartape shredded, scrapes and scratches in shifter levers and rubber hood. Rear blinkly light exploded too.
My jacket has a new ventilation hole (see 3 foot day-glow orange streak on the pavement).
My jersey also breathes better than ever.
My shoulder also breathes better than ever.
So does my elbow.
Cultural Bracket

Monday, March 17, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Diary Entry 3/16/08
Friday, March 14, 2008
Brian's first training diary

Thursday, March 13, 2008
Swimming with Jay

Swimming laps for the first time in years went much better than I thought it would. Mostly because Jay had the facility and training plan wired. It was a little embarrassing when the life guard caught me peeing in the pool. Maybe I should have gotten in first. Or been wearing a swimsuit. Next time the plan is to steel the water polo team's varsity jackets for kicks. Shelden High Water Polo Rules!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Spiritual Well - Being
Monday, March 3, 2008
sign it. do it.
Sign it.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
juss sayin
but you know what?! I met somebody with their own wikipedia entry. right now I'm watching American Dad, but for the last few hours Kinnard & I (& half of the QT, but mostly Kinnard & I) have been down in the Pump Room. And we've been hanging out with this guy. When we told him we were some heavy hitters from Seattle he tells us he pretty much built the Space Needle (you might have heard of it). He comes in every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday (for the last 48 years). He hangs right at the corner of the bar and drinks a Grey Goose and Orange, Up. He introduced us to this other cat that owns Wilson's (the busiest restaurant in the Windy City, third busiest in the World, according to Max).
As full of his own retired self as he is, this guy is awesome. If there's anything I can drink, or smoke, so that I wind up sounding like this guy, just tell me. I'm willing.