Holy Moley, I can't believe I won this thing.

I attribute this surprising event (to me more than anyone) primarily to a few circumstantial disadvantages (or at least poor, but justifiable choices) the other contestants suffered. First, I understand everyone had a bit to drink last night. I woulda too, but I was at an elementary school event and it would have been inappropriate. Two, I went to bed early. Ventoux and View didn't arrive in town until midnight I understand, and Crash wakes like clockwork at 4am, so no one could have had

much sleep.
That said, I also had some big pushes, pushes that started months ago just to get me to show up. Others that kept me going all morning.
T to Wife, for tolerating all this. BRS is a time commitment, and I appreciate that you indulge me this.
T for the push, Crash, for getting me out there. I wouldn't be competitive on my bike, I wouldn't be able to run (let alone today's ridiculous route), I wouldn't be able to swim without your prodding. T for just getting me outside.

T for the push, Ventoux, for living far away. You're always the complete wildcard. Who knows what secretive Lane County training plans you're employing. I don't know what to expect on game day and it certainly makes me try to prepare for the best.
T for the push, Suzie, without your hosting this event, I probably wouldn't be able to swim now. Well, I guess I can't swim now. But I wouldn't even shown up for my competitive wading without a

mandatory Triathalon on my horizon. Plus, these hats are really sweet.
T for the push, LoganAvatar, for teaching me to swim. I tried to employ what you taught me on the 'out' portion of the swim, open water is difficult. I just ran on the bottom, neck deep, for most of the 'back,; but I did swim the last 15 yards or so too. I need to get back in the pool, I know.

And don't worry everyone, these winnings won't last nearly as long as last year's TdM winnings (I finally polished off that vodka after that
Whidbey Island Ride).