Monday, August 31, 2009

Six Minute September

Break the six minute mile and get a BRS point -OR- run a diagnostic mile and drop:
15 sec - 6 min
20 sec - 7 min
30 sec - 8 min
45 sec - 9 min
60 sec - 10 min
Fastest sub-6 min mile gets 2 pts. Also, this year's bonus is worth 5 BRS pts!!! if you can beat:

Hicham El Guerrouj's 3:43:13 or Svetlana Masterkova's 4:12:56

(plus we'll throw in an extra Corvallis Open t-shirt, size Large)

Happy Running!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

AA (today that means Altitude August, Gerald edition)

Must admit, most of the monthly challenges seem too far removed to be attainable for me. Vegetarianism? Pull ups? 6 minute mile? Ya right, I don't think so. I probably would have blown off Altitude August like the rest, but fear of Jungfrau has pushed me to seek vertical gain.

Last weekend, Lake Serene. Reminded me why I moved to WA. That a place like that could exist, that people actually live in a place where you can run all year round and hike to places like Lake Serene?

Don't know if I was trashed from CDT but it was ridiculously difficult. Mt. Dickerman, though higher, was more klutz-friendly and less steep. Think I'm addicted to hiking. This despite Bugs Of Unusual Size that can induce a 12x 8 cm swelling with just one chomp.

Sunday was the first time I led a ride, with the help of Garmin. I love that thing, but haven't figured it out yet. Now there's a possibility that someone with no sense of direction whatsoever can ride to Lake Sammamish on their own 2 legs. Now I can change tires, the possibilities are endless. But I still miss the BRS team training sessions.

It took awhile, but Crash and I reached the dreaded Montreux hill. Per Spiz, worse than St. Andy. I disagree. At no point did that hill surpass 16% grade, and there were several plateaus. Granted, I wasn't doing it at mile 60, but at mile 31, but still nowhere near the difficulty of Nike Hill, or even Cougar Mt. hill or Harbour Hts Blvd. St. Andrews remains by far the worst hill I have ever attempted (still can't complete without pulling off a side street).

One more thing, I love blue tires.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Altitude August (cont'd)

A quick trip up Gothic Peak in the Monte Cristo range should secure me a point for the month! The pix are a little sub-par, only had my phone with me. But how about that video quality!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Altitude August (Crash/Gerald)

Our submission for AA at Lake Goddamn Beautiful (aka Lake Serene):

Ventoux, does this belong to you?


While stripping down the linens on Weiss' bed, I found the following piece of paper:

Does this belong to you? This might in fact explain some occurrences at the cdt. Why did Davies drop out the day before? Didn't you "fix" Susie's rear tire? No worries, I will see that the CDT Steering Committee's Investigation Division gets a copy of this.
Finally, a big thanks to Susie for hosting, this year's CDT.

Monday, August 17, 2009

If you're not first...

I understand there has been some talk at CSC about who turned where and who won what and who would have finished when. This bothered me. So I prayed to the little baby Jesus, as well as the middle aged Jesus holding up his lighter at a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert.
I feel better now. They reminded me that when it comes to crossing the finish line: if you're not first, you're last.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

STP and CDT 2009

“It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you don’t stop”- Confucius

That’s Seattle to Portland in one day (late entry-July 11, 2009) and 2nd annual Central District Triathlon (Aug 15, 2009).

“I have the sickness” said Guth, about 3 days after STP. That is how long it took him to forget any discomfort related to riding 204 miles in 1 day and actually start thinking about doing the same thing next year, only faster. For me that period is about 30 seconds (

Didn’t know if I could finish STP in one day, only 1 week after my bike crash. Still had a purple 3rd love handle and couldn’t lift my left arm above my shoulder. Hadn’t done a shred of exercise all week, still got short of breath just walking down the hall or trying to get out of bed. But after months of mental preparation and pacelining, no possibility of backing down.

5/7 of the team checked into Casa Safeway night before. Plan is to get out the door to meet the Canadian contingent at 4:40 AM so we can get to the U ready to start by 5.

Team STP’s first official event in team jerseys
L to R: Kadlec, RAD, Spiz, Gerald, Crash, Guth, C. de Ventoux.
High quality and artistic photos from Spiz’s dad, a professional photographer.
Here is the start in B/W and in Sepia, at the buttcrack of dawn.
More photos available on

Rarin’ to go, but first Guth had to fix a flat on his rental from Montlake Cycle. Then got about 2 miles then… stop for the bridge.

Finally on our way, me huffin and puffin, feeling every pothole in my ribs, struggling just to go fast enough to draft off the boyz. Thankfully, Team BRS philosophy was the inverse of real cycling teams, i.e. the team captain slowing down to support the lanterne rouge, rather than the slow and steady (me) being the domestique. Fairly early on my jersey developed a fascinating Rorscharch pattern of salt stain. Must say, the jerseys caused some murmurs. "BikeRunSwing?" no, SWIG. why swig? because we don't waste our time swimming.

Being part of Team Parkinson’s meant gourmet food stops (spanikopita anyone?) and chatting with the illustrious Bill Bell of the NWPF.

Reached Centralia fairly fresh, guess the adrenaline was kicking in. . The 2nd half was a whole lot longer. Rejoined the Canadians for 2nd half, lot of stops, would eat 1000 calories only to be hungry 2 hours later. Crash & Ventoux peeled off 50 miles from the end, having planned to do it in 2 days. Another stop in the middle of a road just so Guth could tweet that his butt was sore. The last 20 miles were the best, like mile 24 of the marathon, the end is in sight, you know you will finish and beer is coming soon. Finally rolled into Portland before dusk. Very lucky to have fantastic support crew (Jess and Kelly) with serious bike racks meeting us to take us to hotel.

Next stop, MS 150 with the Swedish Smyelin Babes

II: CDT: 300 yrd swim Madison Beach, 15 mile bike to Seward Park and back, 6 mile run up Madison Hill, down 23rd hill to Montlake, and back. 2nd annual event, enrollment up 25% this year (up from 4 competitors to 5)

I really planned to do some swimming this year. Really. Just like I really planned to drop the extra 17 lbs before Jungfrau. Or curb the swigging. Or keep my apartment clean. Or dictate charts on time. Didn’t happen.

What were we thinking? I could tell I wasn’t the only one dreading the CDT, swim portion in particular. Kudos to last years champ Guth, who decided to swim even though he swims even less than I do, and with both bikes out of commission borrowed Spiz’s commuter.
The water was actually calm and warm this year
Still the swim, which was roughly 300 yards, hurt. Getting out of the water, still vertigo despite not being hung over this year.
Bike portion was incredibly hard. I was pedaling my guts out and being passed on Lake Washington Blvd by little old ladies and BWBs on large mountain bikes. Stopped at the top of the hill at midpoint to realize my brakes had been clamped on my back wheel the entire time. I had decided to choose this morning to change my tires to the fab purple wheels that perfectly match my hair which I bought at STP, and had been very proud that I did it myself with only 1 pinched tube, but apparently I didn’t set the brakes properly.

Starting on the 2nd half of the bike ride, was extremely relieved to realize that I didn’t suck as badly as I started to think I sucked on the first half of the ride, suddenly 20 mph was easier than the 13 mph I struggled to attain in the first half.

Ventoux was the early leader and regained his lead on the run, and I believe I was last place again, though Spiz who passed everyone on the bike but enjoys running nearly as much as a good 12 year old scotch, was meandering leisurely around Madison beach in his street shoes and cargo shorts (ala First Class at Eugene Half) and may have been edged out for the Lanterne Rouge. Scotch definitely beats tequila. 2 polar bears and a crystal bowl for the winner, a bottle of rose for 2nd place. Thanks to Mike Davies for excellent photos and being one-man support crew.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Just Does theCDT

2009 Central District Triathlon Q & A:

Q: Has anyone ever died competing in the CDT?

A: The CDT boasts a 100% non fatality rate, but is also proud to mention that the Seattle Times reported the first homicide of 2009 in the Central District. THIS IS THE CDT.

Q: My local Y maintains a pool temp of 84-85 degrees and staffs a full-time certified lifeguard. What does the CDT offer?

A: The CDT Steering Committee guarantees that Lake WA will not be frozen on race morning and does have access to 911. THIS IS THE CDT.

Q: I've heard some triathlons, like Danskin for example, are perfect for first time competitors because of the amazing support, motivating crowds, and food, gatorade, etc. Is this true for the CDT?

A: Huh? Bring your own food, water, gear, towels, and friends. We are actively looking for a volunteer to watch the bikes during the swim & run, but the CDT does provide one shot of Scotch to all competitors. THIS IS THE CDT.

Q: I'm still on the fence about competing. Do you have anything else to help me decide?

A: Sure do. Please see testimonial email below:

"dear spizzzzzzz...


i is drank stuff.  i is drank-ed more than stuff.  is is dranked beer ands wines...  so shoot me's....!  


you is should do cdt.  why?  fur.  fur on chest is good. furr is yummy , right, Michael Guthjrie?


um.  so, anywaysm, susie cant' swim the greatest.  um, guth can't niether (none ever. he w3ins i anrys so hard!@@@!@@@@@@@!!!!!!!) . chris & i good blanaced , but davies can kick our ass in swim, but willl die in run .  


bottom line?  clash for clunckers? 


no biggie.  just does it.  (mi yongi phrase/ pill knight also?????? ).  we all have kryptonite.  it not known, then, we all would be doing stp in 2 days like whatever...


instead we is ALL beterr than we could be.? right MGuth? SRO?  


i slepted now.


nighty night."

Just Does theCDT!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

roll call (drunke)

but waht is ylife? but what is death? 

drunk is drunk...

anyways.  i'll make this short A& sweett. 


bear with me.  i know not computerseese ,and i'll does it my ways.  yup.  i know i maike eerros, but why change em?  you too smart?

i like cooking eheres: yummyinthetummy

i also like: homesweethome

in the bottom line:

all who think you is so strong, cool, SMART, and thing-a-ma-jig you is wrong.  why?

because brs will be around for a very long, long time. it's good.  very good.  tha'ts no bs.

life is music, friends, yummy food, biking, running, (swimming) and SWIG.

death? i'm still working on it.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Roll Call (continued)

Ventoux's list is great, especially given that there's plenty of overlap with my own mental blogroll, but I've a few faves that I'll add the mix.

Apart from the two already mentioned, this is easily my favorite cycling related blog (he mentions it occasionally). I was sold when I first learnt of tetrachromatic women! I wonder if I know any?

As far as politics goes, I get most of mine here. And I also really like this. Is it because they both have secret messages in the tooltips? (probably).

But seriously, I do get a good chunk of my 'world politics' here.

I subscribe to way too many food blogs (I subscribe to way too many blogs in general, just counted 84 in my reader account, ugh), but narrowing it down to three? This one, just because I'm totally seduced by aging meat and his sous vide contraption. This one, becuase she speaks French and her abilities far exceed my own without rubbing it in. Um, this one, because she makes eating healthy so easy, tasty and cheap and finally started me cooking Indian. Oh, and also this, because the pictures are so pretty and she makes my fav taters.

One last hint for finding recipes on the net, FoodBlogSearch yields far better results than plain google, or using allrecipes or epicurious or something that are loaded with crap that you have to sift through.

I'm also here a lot, when I just need something to click.

or here, when I need to oggle a little.

I now probably know more about ants that I should. Why is this stuff so addicting?

I dunno, I guess I'm done. But also check out this and this and this.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Roll Call

Talked to Guth about this prior to STP. Its time to list favorite web sites as I'm running out of ways to appear productive in front of my laptop. Post yours in comments, or a new post. And I dont mean the obvious websites likethe new york time or (mostly just Crash)

The two I start every day with:
Straight white guy technocrat liberal ish: Not really anything to get you throwing molotov cocktails (I've been saving Vodka bottles for when the revolution comes), but it provides more than enough ammunition enough to shoot down Crash's man love for McCain.
Totally not lame celebrity gossip: Because its sports see. And stories about Tiger Woods Farting are way more real than that Perez Hilton shit. And its totally not kind of gay.

From there its the B-Team for the same stuff:
Politics B-Team
Sports B-Team

When I want to feel better about renting (stay away from that one if you are under water on your mortgage)

If you have a graduate degree and want to argue about racial semiotics in the NBA

If aformentioned graduate degree came from a law school and you really just want to read dick jokes about sports
(occasionally NSFWish. But by far the best Fantasy Football/Sex Advice column on the internets)

Two best biking blogs on the Interwebs (Because where else are you gonna find out about Yogi Okley Dokely)

Because Mark Bittman taught me how to be a man. In an Apron.

Maybe only funny if you live with a mental health professional.

Completely offensive, racist, miscogenist, etc. etc. etc.. Yet Bol is funny. And he refers to Bud as "The Great American Lager".

Along those lines. Something for the fairer sex.

Its not going to last but its my current infatuation.


And saving the best for last. If you don't love this site and visit every day then you may have been born without a heart and you should probably have that checked out.

Altitude August

yes that's tom cruise. no he doesn't need a safety line. climb a mountain and get a brs point. maximum 3 peaks. this post will self-destruct in 5 seconds...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

July Joy

Well, last year it was gunplay, so this year I decided to go a little more yin. I got View's bike Big Red up and running again and I've ditched the Epic training rides for 7 mile jaunts around Corvallis with the yin to my yang. Eventually this ends up with us both on a comotion tandem in matching primal wear jerseys and me wondering why all the hipsters on their fixed gears are sniggering at us (but then, "What did you think all the guns was for?"). For now though, its just good fun cruising around.