Tuesday, March 10, 2015

2015 DCCDT

The 2015 Davis Challenge Central District Triathlon will be held on Saturday, April 4th.


  1. 2.4 miles canoe or pedal & row (not sure yet which is funner?)
  2. 112 miles bike
  3. 26.2 miles run
  4. cooking competition
  5. swig competition
  6. paint rocks
  7. wii events
  8. darts
Events will be held at Green Lake, Seward Park, and at Spiz's sandcrawler. 

Team #1:
  1. Gerald
  2. Spiz
  3. Dyno
  4. Omaha
Team #2:
  1. Lyssa
  2. Ocean
  3. Papa Ventoux
  4. Pat *(if available - if not, Frank Shorter)
  1. Alyssa