Tuesday, November 4, 2008

BRS Point Request

On behalf of my friend, Crash, please, please vote for his request for an individual BRS point. By December, he will attempt to run a 30 mile run. Not an official race, but just an informal Ultra-marathon. Vote for Crash!


  1. My name is Crash, and I approve this message.

  2. You need impose some sort of time goal for yourself too. I don't really care how lofty or gimme it is, but there should be some other constraint. 5 hours?

  3. Poor endorsement choice. Try again.

  4. are you confused or actually trying to elicit my vote?

    big deal, you wussed out of Portland and Seattle. If you run 4 marathons this month, a trail marathon, or 50 mile ultra, I will vote for you
