Friday, October 1, 2010

BRSCIX 2 (solo)

I finished up my first solo overnight tour yesterday. Today I'm really tired. I rode from the Mukilteo Ferry out to Port Angeles, then back the next day. SPC was originally planning on joining but fell ill with a nasty bug, claimed to be in no shape for the ride. Company would have been nice, so would an iPod, but my thoughts were okay companions too. SPC did drive all the way out to meet me at my destination though, and treated me a great meal at a little Italian place near the motel. Can you believe it was the very same place where Edward took Bella on their first date?! I know right!!<3

It was a hilly hundred the first day, with a lengthy section on unpaved forest roads, a little less than a century the the second, and I stuck to a paved bicycle path that covers a lot of the coastline along the strait. I needed the strength too. The last 30 miles or so on Whidbey were brutal, just one long rolling hill oh highway after another. I know the roads well enough there to get away from the traffic, but my legs were heavy, and those roads are no flatter & much less direct. I stuck with the highway, was ready to be done.

Finished in style, with a nice parking ticket to welcome me back home.


  1. Solo Century- double, strong work. Which restaurant was that?

  2. Knowing I'm such a HUGE fan SPC was nice enough to treat me to Bella Italia. Of course I ordered the mushroom ravioli, it's what Bella and Edward enjoyed together!
