Monday, November 22, 2010

snow day

Do I get a BRS point for commuting with bike through the weather today? Or do I lose one?


  1. You only get one if that were an actual picture of you commuting through the snow

  2. I'm not Lance out there, I don't have a photographer in my entourage. Just the minimum for me (certified training coach, mechanic, massuese).

  3. Haha, put me down for a BRS point then too.

  4. seattlites are all wusses when it comes to snow.
    that said, the complete lack of city snow control should earn you a BRS point if you rode the whole way without tire studs

  5. Nice work, Komrade! That said, by the way things looking now in the north end I think the bike is staying home tomorrow. At least until I can obtain some tire studs.

  6. I only dumped my bike once in an intersection today. And one flat tire. Pinche Snow Day.

  7. Still riding tomorrow though. Need to prepare for the gluttony.
