Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Clifford and the 40 Bagel

Yes, it’s a homemade bagel baked by Papa Ventoux in honor of my entry into the Masters age group. Tucked between mile markers 43 & 44 in Rhododendron OR was a winter wonderland

HTTM was complete with polar bears and Tabasco sauce , perfect glasses of scotch, fireside chess where neither person really knows how to play (or cares),
bike assembly and disassembly class,

a real hot tub time machine, and even a card game with the Professional and the Kamiak swim team.

Was Davey ever surprised to find he wasn’t the only 2-wheeler in the Kabin, meet Clifford the (big red) Commuter, aka "SUPER Le Tour",
complete with Monkey Lights

Thanks guys, this really was the best birthday ever.

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