Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Extra Credit

To be frank,

This monthly challenge absolutely stinks.  How in the world can any of you seriously not eat meat for 14 days?!?!  Well, I've been tasked to inform you all of this month's bonus points.  The person(s) who eat the most days vegetarian will receive an extra 1/2 BRS point.  Also, the person(s) who eat the most variety of fruits and vegetables will also receive an extra 1/2 BRS point.  I will conclude my post with a haiku from the heart:

who in their right mind
would consume only flora
bacon is my friend


  1. tofu is just like meat, tofu is just like meat, tofu is just like meat, tofu is just like meat...

  2. Friday Happy Hour
    Is my friend but she is shy
    I've waited all day
