Wednesday, March 24, 2010

April 24th is Coming

Yes, we are relocating the Open Katrina style. Mukilteo is to become the thunderdome. But April 24th is not just the date for the Eugene Open (Put your T-Shirt sizes in the comments btw or you get a medium) it is also where the F&*$ is Jorge's Stein day. Thats right, I checked the standings and Jorge's Stein should be coming home. Until it is sitting in its rightful place I will be issuing cheap shots to the person who has it sitting in a box in their Garage. These Trophys are to be treated with RESPECT people. Not packed away in a closet like some fundamentalist republicans obvious homosexuality. I feel bad doing this, just know that Jorge himself (my father) has a dearth of consonants in his last name and grew up in what could affectionately be called "Honkey Town" with a bunch of other Eastern European immigrants.


  1. Chris from Ventoux,

    Ventouxs, I drank with Jorge, I played blackjack with Jorge in Reno, Jorge was a pal of mine. SPIZ, RESPECT GODDAMN JORGE'S STEIN! or I fear you'll end up like Greg Brady in the HI idol episode... Chris from Ventouxs, yous going to Hell for your Polish joke, seriously. I dated a girl from there, and you is going straight to hells...

    Shout out to Kelly in Granite Falls!!! (and also God Bless Joanna Krupa)

  2. Is it a bad sign that it took me a couple minutes to understand the cartoon (should I admit here that I tie my shoes just like that guy?), and what the hell is on his head?
