Sunday, July 1, 2012

Alpe D'Huez matin

After taking a terrifying fall climbing last week, I decided to tackle biking up Little Cottonwood Canyon this morning.

An average of 9% grade for 8 miles, I averaged 6mph on the way up and 36mph on the way down. Every 2 miles I felt like Ali cold-cocked me, but at the end of The Thrilla, it was Ali on the mat.  The ride down felt like you were being shot out of a canon for the entire 10 minutes (2 Metallica songs).

I propose this climb be stage 13 of the Tour De Mukilteo and just getting to the top should be worth a Magnum point.


  1. Nice Work! How does this climb stack up against the Hwy 542 Mt Baker climb up to Artist Pt?

  2. Artist Pt climb is WAY longer, more of a half day commitment, but LCC climb is an hour or so of pure pain since your "rest" sections are 7% grades. It's kind of like doing the Zoo climb twice in a row.
