Friday, September 7, 2012

Ocean in the ocean

Last two weeks rediscovered the joy of the bike ride. Solo ride up old work hill, a couple solo rides on Whidbey (Langley & Freeland), a new ride with Dyno on the Snoqualmie Valley Trail, and a few with Gerald on Mercer and Whidbey Islands (Freeland & Greenbank). 7 fun rides in 11 days. 

Even though BRSCI XII got postponed, looking forward to that ride as well as the return of the Tour de Mukilteo 2012.

Also noteworthy, are pre and post ride chowing and swigging. Speedway cafe, ribs, Beck's, meatball sandwiches, chowder, Italian vino, should not be overlooked. Also Dyno and Skirtsteak hosting a mid-week FC Everett was definitely fun with yummy Thai-chicken, greens, chocolate tasting beer, and grilled sweet potatoes.

Right now enjoying life in the ocean. Also, constantly learning about life in the ocean, even though I keep forgetting that life is the ocean. Go figure.


  1. reminds me of this (hover over the comic image too)

  2. Life = Ocean
    Bike = Joy
    There cannot be too much Joy

  3. So true and worth hiking on the beach and listening to the Andy Rooney of rock'n roll for countless hours to appease your strange fascination with him.

    Here's a link:
