Monday, March 7, 2011

37 miles to Nine Mile

Centennial Trail Run, March 5, 2011

Unfortunately the weather gods were not smiling the day of Muk's Mtns. Guess Roddy will have to wait until arriving in Switzerland to try out the mts

The topic of weather is on my mind as I get ready to relocate to Spokane. Have to scope out a place to live there soon. Yes, I know it snows there. But are there good places to run? Makes sense to schedule the trip around a run, the longer the better. Have to start getting my mileage up in preparation for my planned 100 miler in July (which hopefully will also be my 100th marathon/ ultra!).

The CTR is a low-key point-to-point run which traverses the 37 miles between the Washington-Idaho border to Nine Mile, just northwest of Spokane. The RD is a fellow Maniac who drove me and another runner, a professional triathlete who drove 90 minutes from Idaho to run his 2nd ultra, to the start.

I packed my microspikes, but luckily didn't need them.

Leisurely pace with the RD, who happens to be a bagpiper, and who ran with me to make sure I didn't get lost, and other members of the Bloomsday Road Runners Club. There was Larry and his wonderdog Abby. Larry still runs 50 milers and sub-4 marathons after age 70, Abby had never run more than 22 miles before but did 35 miles that day just on snow and doggie treats. Paul who has the reputation of puking near the end of marathons, though not that day (famously almost completed a race without puking until it was pointed out to him he was almost at the finish line, at which point he promptly stopped to puke), and Jim who we met by coincidence as he was doing his weekly 10 mile run, decided on the spur of the moment to join us without even a water bottle or Gu to turn it into 30+ miles, earning the title the "accidental ultra runner". It sure was luxurious to have a race crew with a car loaded with snacks..

Welcome to Spokane

Almost there...

Sounds like there are plenty of places to run, and nice folks to run them with.

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