Friday, March 18, 2011

I Wish

Anyone in the Guthrie family, including Michael, who was born on 3/18 a Happy Birthday. That ought to cover them all...

Gerald best of luck on her first running century this weekend. I plan to add this accomplishment onto my resume. "I know someone who traveled 100 miles not by plane, train, auto, or bike"...

I swig a lot this weekend and watch a lot of college basketball!


  1. that's 100k not 100m. 100 miler coming in July. at least I qualified! (50 m 9:51:20)

  2. How fast do I have to run the Beat the Bridge 8k to qualify for the 100 miler?

  3. Happy birthday- yeah how freaky # of people in your family born on your b-day? even worse than having a peri-xmas birthday!
