Sunday, March 23, 2008

Runners Log 03/23/2008

Pre Run Website Visited: I recently saw the movie "Into the Wild". Man, that movie is making me miss Alaska! I lived on Kodiak Island for a few years and was on the cross-country team. All of our races and training runs were done on trails through the woods, up mountains, and through marshes. During my first race, I remember running along and having to jump over a fallen tree that covered the path. That was all it took and I was hooked! I have rarely felt that electric and alive as I did jumping over that tree that day (yep, I do realize how weird that sounds!). I miss trail running and was excited when I stumbled upon this site. Sign me up!
Route: Decided to spice it up today by running my route backwards...35th Street out and back combined with a Golf Course out and back. Aye Caliente!
Miles Ran: 9 (still 4 more to go!)
Issues: (you know it’s not good when the issues catagory is at the top of this list!) You know that stunning day this weekend that held the promise of spring? I believe it was called "Saturday"? Yeah, that’s not the day I chose to run on. I have been fighting off a head cold and ended up resting up all day. That left Sunday to get ’er done. The tidal pools forming on my front lawn let me know that I was in for a wicked, wet run. I also hosted Easter brunch this morning at my house. 5 cups of coffe, 1 waffle, 1 strip of bacon, and some scrambled eggs added to the perfect storm brewing in my tummy. I prayed I could get this run done before a catagory 5 hurricane ripped the roof off of my digestive system.
Gear: violet colored long sleeve shirt, baggy black Nike pants, black zip up with hood, CSC baseball cap, I-pod shuffle, black gloves (I was about to head out of the door when my husband got overly concerned about the baggy black Nike pants and their ability to wick away water. He got into his closet and pulled out some water resistent, tiny, black tightey looking things. I decided to humor him and try them on. They were so tight that I started to feel like a big sausage in casing! Ugh! I told him there is no way I was going to wear those things. He started pawing at me and said, "Mmmm, you look like a ninja" (a ninja?? What ever floats your boat mister!). I made a mad dash for the door even though I was still wearing the sausage pants).
Best Song of the Run: The I-pod Shuffle set on random presented me with several really good DeVotchKa songs
Sites seen: It was LONELY out there today. There were only 2 other runners that I crossed paths with (both women-both with baseball caps on), my lonely feeling kept manifesting in the items I saw: only one mate to a pair of dark, forest green leather gloves (the glove was just sitting out in the rain on a planter box), one discarded bubble tea travel cup (I recognized the thick, fatty straw used to suck up the Tapioca balls), one miserable, wet Doritos bag laying hidden as if in an unmarked grave.
Sites not seen: that smiley old lady, baby Jesus
Pains: My right Achilles Tendon was acting up. I never feel pain in that area!! I think the sausage pants were constricting around my thighs, throwing off my stride.
Best Part of the Run: the black and tan waiting for me at the door (just my happy, little dog....not a Guinness!)


  1. Nice job Wolfgang. Yesterday was definitely wet. Just showing up was half the battle. At first glance, I was going to give you top prize kudos for your 9 miler as being the longest distance logged this weekend. Then I remembered Gerald ran a 20 miler on Sat.

    Here's a possible event proposal. Everyone team up against Rizzer for marathons completed. We can call it Rizzer v. the World. Simply add up all our marathons completed and compare it to Gerald's total in one year. To make it a fair fight, we should get to count our marathons until we die...

  2. I just went back and re-read this thing...excuse the spelling errors! I was out of it after this run.
    Crash, remember when we found that trail in Mukilteo by the library? I ran down the damn thing thinking you were behind me? Imagine how startled I was when I turned around and you weren't there. You stayed at the top of trail to take a whiz. Now that's a good running partner! :)

  3. Hey, I'm going to run the Anchorage Mayor's marathon June 21 and I got someone to sponsor a business trip there so I can write it off- I hear much of it's on trail- can't wait. You should try for Anchorage, Wolfgang!!

    Also, anyone interested in running the Beat the Bridge run, I am running in honor of my nephew Alan who is 7 and has diabetes, to raise $ for diabetes research. I will sponsor anyone who wants to run with me- and you'll get a shirt!

  4. Gerald, I have a friend who lives in Anchorage and ran the half version of that race. DUH!!-you're right, I should run that one too! That was a little too blindingly obvious. Maybe I'll shoot for the full next year. Have a great time! Please take some pictures for me.
    A sponsor for your trip? BONUS!!

  5. Wolfgang,

    Rizzer was also talking about Beat the Bridge in Seattle. I think you should run that one. It's a lot of fun. I've done that one before with Chris from Ventoux. Fun & fast. Oh, and I think Nordstrom sponsors that race. I think I'll be running that one this year too.
