Now that Ab-Awareness Month is finally drawing to a close we're all looking to preserve the
So, this has been hinted at over the last week: this month's event is Millennium May.
The idea is simple:
Pick some challenges
Do them.
Thousands of times.
We have a laundry list of pre-approved challenges, it works like this. Pick one of the physical items below to do all of. And then do half of another one. And drink (you don't have to drink while engaged in your physical challenges, but I think we all know I will). Then log your results on the spreadsheet to the right (let me know if you need an collaborator invite).
200,000 meters RUN
1,000K BIKE
10,000 meters SWIM
2,000 PUSH-UPS
2,000 ABS
1,000 min TIME of an activity (approx 50min / 5 days / week)
Mandatory SWIG (choose one)
3,000 ml WINE (4 bottles)
10,000 ml BEER (28 beers)
4 Bottles of Magnum Malt Liquor
(In honor of the Magnum Series)
Extra Credit:
1,000 sliders WHITE CASTLE
If you would like to suggest a challenge you don't see here put it in the comments or in an email. ie, I am gonna work on my pushups, but 2000 won't be attainable for me, I can't do more than 20 without being completely sore for days. Instead, I'll shoot for 1000 pushups+2000 situps for one challenge. Also, I'm going to Disneyland next week for two days and I hope to spend 1000 minutes standing in line. Wish me luck.
I might be the only one who thinks certain events are out of proportion to others. Maybe we should restrict Magnum May to a PURELY SWIG event? any takers?
ReplyDeleteIn a perhaps vain atempt to make up for dropping the medicine ball on Ab Awareness month by failing to log any of my reps (was going to fall a little short anyway), thus risking shame upon my RBS "sponsor" Chris of Ventoux, I'm jumping into the mix and stepping up to the plate for Millenium May - I'm setting my ante at 10,000 up's of all sorts (push-, pull-, sit-, etc...this could be a stretch), plus 10,000 ml of beer (cakewalk).